Quote of The Day

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday Scribblings " Shipwreck"

 Me, with my son-in-law 
Sunday Scribblings prompt this week is "Shipwrecked"

My eyes well up with tears as I listen to my shipwrecked son in law humming while  he attempts to fix our washer that flooded the powder room last night, and the dryer that has been squawking loudly for the last few months!   He'd  planned to go to the beach today and enjoy the last little bit of summer heat we've had. Instead this amazing  good natured man with the tenacity of ten hums as he works at repairing our appliances.  Trapped in a tiny powder room,  soaked in perspiration with only  a dew rag to  saturate the rolling sweat! 

Why are some men so sweet, kind,  generous of love and spirit while others are resentful and crotchety? It's so nice to witness my daughter married to a delightful easy to get along with male.  A child of ten he's  accustomed to being last, doing without, taking  the dregs.  Yet he's able to share so gracefully,  is always grateful and giving of self! Thankfully my daughter has attached herself to such a special man.

When I decided to dissolve my marriage fifteen years ago my objective was to save her  witnessing a dysfunctional couple in action!  Don't get me wrong there were some good qualities that held us together for twenty five years. We were fiscally excellent, but the rest is nothing you'd want your child to emulate! She was ten when we split and thankfully she managed to find the whistling wonder that is her life partner now!

Although his family knows he's a gentle spirit, they have no idea just how dynamic this man really is! It's their loss. His demeanor is quiet, he's  always willing to help, much like his mom, he's a worker bee. We appreciate him more than he will ever know. We tell him so too!!

I used to be so disillusioned with men, having done the  majority of  work in my marriage, watching friends do the same! Yet every so often I stumbled across a women excited that her husband bought and  picked out her clothes. As a very independent woman I  was horrified and could never imagine that! Well my son in law would have no trouble finding a perfect outfit for his wife, knowing her exact style and size. He's interested in her, what she does, how she feels, who she is! As is she in him! They love making each other happy!
 So glad I'm able to witness their love and friendship in such a pure form since I never had it myself!


GlorV1 said...

How wonderful that you have a kind and loving sil. You look very happy and I would say the name Giggles fits you for some reason or other. He does look like a gentle soul. Life is great. Have a wonderful week.

Dreamer said...

I can honestly say it is all true and more ;)

Old Egg said...

One of the great delights in life is to see your children happily married and fitting in. Full marks for showing your appreciation in this way.

linda may said...

You have a lucky daughter. He is a treasure, my blessings to them.

Belva Rae Staples said...

I know your story is true about the kind of son in law you have because I have been married to a man like that for thirty-eight years and my daughter managed to find one, too! Thanks for sharing and have a great week!

gautami tripathy said...

Great post! You are lucky to have him as your son in law..


michelle allen said...

what a sweet post. sounds like a gem of a man.

Faye said...

A lovely tribute to a sweet soul.

Jess said...

It's wonderful when your daughters find such loving and caring men isn't it? I've been very lucky with 2 of my daughter's partners too. I couldn't have found them better choices if I had the whole world to choose from!xx

gma said...

Hugs to him. I am kinda in the same boat as you. My marriage has changed
not gotten any better as I had always hoped. Now that the children are grown what is left? Beautiful children and grandchildren. xxx
Some learn from bad example.

Laurie Linn said...

What a great tribute to your son in law! Thanks for sharing. My oldest daughter is getting ready to be married in January. I am excited and fearful for her at the same time. I know that marriage can be fabulous - but it is a lot of work. Good for you for setting an example of a strong woman and helping her to define what is important in a relationship!

Anonymous said...

he is amazing!!! I am SO lucky to be married to him!! <3

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