Quote of The Day

Friday, August 26, 2011

Paint Party Friday #24

It's Paint Party Friday make sure to check out the other partiers here!

 This Musical Chair was done in honor of my son-in-law.
It's a very vibrant almost candy apple red.
However it doesn't show that way on this post!

The colors were inspired by my daughter's apron!

All  four chairs are now completed, I'm holding back the last one for next week. In the meantime I'm putting a few coats of varnish on my black  dinning room table. These chairs are a temporary fix for that table until I find some black ones! Soon I will prime and color the kitchen table where these will reside permanently! I am quite enjoying the bright fun colors, they  look so much better in person!
How do you incorporate your artful self into your day? Do you wrap gifts in a  fancy way, take time to  decorate a cake or cookies in a particular way or spruce up your eye makeup. Snip-its of creativity fill my daily life.  The above photos were taken at my friend Nature goddesses  home by the ocean. Last Friday we celebrated our Dream goddesses birthday there ! Doesn't everything look beautiful and yummy? All my friends are very talented and creative!

 I love the colors and patterns in Nature goddesses dress! This is her back yard oasis, her front yard faces the ocean with a spectacular view!
Afraid one of her cakes wouldn't set she made a cheese cake too!
They were both scrumptious !
Love the scarf Dreamer is wearing!!
It actually glowed in the dark making me literally gleeful!!

Being with  friends, browsing art blogs, looking at patterns on clothing, are all things that give  me a creative buzz!

Check out Gypsy goddesses fancy leggings. It's starting to be her trademark since she turned fifty last February! One day she may find herself in the Advanced style blog!!! Sure makes me smile! Love my friends!
                                      What gets your creative mojo going?
Do you have a creative goddesses tribe like I do?
Wishing you  a very happy weekend and loads of inspiration!


EVA said...

Another totally fabulous chair! Love the musical theme.

Your party looks like such great fun!

Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors said...

Giggles, i love your chair, I also love how you are embracing artistic originality. brava!

Christine said...

lucky friend with the house by the ocean. I so need you to come over and paint a table I have, love your chair!

peggy gatto said...

Fabulous chair!!!
Love your style and had fun here!!!

carlarey said...

That looks like an awesome party. What a terrific bunch of friends you have, they must be an endless source of inspiration for you.

Carol said...

I'm head over heals in love with that chair! Everything about it makes me smile...and I would love to go a party that fun!!!!

WrightStuff said...

That icy stuff in the glasses looks refreshing!!

When you sit on the chair, does it play a tune? Which one? It looks so funky!!

Steph said...

ohh such a cute little chair!!! Happy weekend!!

Unknown said...

I love the musical feeling and creative art work...great style you have ! my son is very musical he would love a chair like this one maybe different colors though very cool my friend !

Kristin Dudish said...

Wheee!!! What a fun post!!! Fun chair, fun party and goodies, fun friends! Fun, fun fun!!! Hooray!

I'm looking forward to seeing the final chair :)


Geckostone said...

Oh your Goddess tribe looks so fun to hang out with! I had one a while back in So Ca and I miss my friends there!Your musical chair is AWESOME and would be great to take along to gigs!!! Deb

Rosie Kaplan said...

Love the chair. Will you please show them all together?

Faye said...

I am so impressed! The chairs are all wonderful. This last one really is smashing! Beautiful work.

Loved the party pix. Looks like fun.

Thanks for the good wishes about the hurricane. Looks like we'll get lots of rain. Daughter visiting from Houston (usually the most humid spot on earth!) says they are 45" below normal in rainfall this year. They were hoping Irene would turn into the Gulf, but it didn't.

Terri Kahrs said...

OMG, OMG, O-M-G!!!! I'm soooo happy that you left a comment on my blog!!! I am in L-O-V-E with your chairs, and the way you use color makes my heart sing and my soul dance!!!! A woman after my own heart!!! I am now a devoted follower!!!! Good luck in my drawing! Hugs, Terri ♥

Joni Nickrent said...

Love the musical theme and the bright colors pop with fun! Happy PPF! POP ART MINIS

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Omg I love the detail. The notes on the back and the words of wisdom. Wonderful...

Netty said...

Wowee this is a fantastic chair, loving the fab colours and the terrific design. Happy PPF, Annette x

Melisa said...

This is my favorite chair! I guess I have to wait to see the last one to be sure, but I don't see how you can top this one. :)

Laurie Linn said...

Yipee! I think this is my favorite chair so far. It is beautiful and creative. I love hanging out with creative friends. It gets me thinking in difference directions and sparks my passion. Looks like you had a wonderful get-together!

Heather Foust said...

I really love your chairs. And I really want one of those drinks they look very yummy!!! Happy PPF!!!

SHERI COOK said...

Love the chairs and your table setting is absolutely fabulous! Very festive and fun!!! Happy PPF!

Jess said...

I absolutley love that chair and the way you were inspired to paint it! Your friends' homes are gorgeous, it must be lovely to be able to visit such beautiful places, thanks for sharing!xx

keithsramblings said...

Your chairs are simply wonderful.Get on a plane right now and bring your paints - my appartment needs you!

aimee said...

i LOVE that chair!

Morph Waffle said...

Awesome chair! Those cakes like yummy and I like her leggings!

Forgetfulone said...

Gorgeous colors! On my end, the chair definitely looks candy apple red, and the design on the seat is fantastic. Love it! I wish I were more creative. I do enjoy scrapbooking and making cards, but I would love to be able to create the kind of art you do.

J C said...

Wonderful post you have shared here. Your chairs are really kewl, especially the musical one. And I am totally intrigued by your friends glow-in-the-dark scarf. Keep on painting! xo

michelle allen said...

oh my GUSH! super fun chair. i wanna come to your house for a party. looks like the fun place to be!

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