Quote of The Day

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Too Many Grampas!

 Too many grampas running the show
the boys clubs alive, it needs to go
Pass the torch you silly old men
it's a changing world you can't comprehend
No more just you, having your way
move over, let the younger ones play
your ideas haven't held out long term
your inability to change is way too firm
 Lost ethics, compassionor ability to share,
Cold hearted souls you  rarely hear care
You got too greedy, you just had to have more
You've made a mess, what else is in store?

So many  angry, hurt and dismayed
an unfortunate world when no love is conveyed
So much loss, so many fearful, with less
priorities all wrong, people you repress
Money made off heads of the mass  
  holding dignity hostage is morally crass
many  pompous, false righteous acts
  needy continue to fall through the cracks
Shouldn't we care for and protect our poor?
help them do better help them have more?
Shouldn't we protect those not of right mind?
  understand the mistreated, help them in kind?
No more ranting, raving, using people at will
they're tired of working hard to be  at a stand still
 Treat them well, pay them fair, show respect 
With pride and direction a new attitude will reflect

Move over grampas break up that club
go spend your money, fish, or hot tub
better yet  repair what  you've destroyed
 be charitably effective where there's a void! 
Too Many Grampas
Too many grampas running the show
the boys clubs alive, it needs to go
Pass the torch you silly old men
this changing world you can't comprehend

No more just you, having your way
move over, let the younger ones play
your ideas haven't held out long term
your inability to change is way too firm

Lost ethics, compassionor ability to share,
Cold hearted souls you rarely hear care
You got too greedy, you just had to have more
You've made a mess, what else in store?

So many  angry, hurt and dismayed
an unfortunate world when no love is conveyed
So much loss, so many fearful with less
priorities all wrong, people you repress

Money made off heads of the mass  
  holding dignity hostage is morally crass
many  pompous, false righteous acts
  needy continue to fall through the cracks-

Shouldn't we care for and protect our poor?
help them do better help them have more?
Shouldn't we protect those not of right mind?
  understand the mistreated help them in kind?

No more ranting, raving, using people at will
they're tired of working hard to be  at a stand still
 Treat them well, pay them fair, show respect 
With pride and direction a new attitude will reflect

Move over grampas break up that boys club
go spend your money, fish, or hot tub
better yet  repair what  you've destroyed
be charitably effective where there's a void!

Throw back thursday digital from  many years ago!

Do you have a favorite fun Halloween memory?

For the record there are many incredible grampas
  that are highly respected, this doesn't apply to them!
We all know who they are! 


Valerie-Jael said...

Great post! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

sirkkis said...

Great thoughts and Art. We don't celebrate Halloween same way here in Finland as you there. But it is coming more and more likely.
Happy weekend and Halloween ♥

lisa said...

such happy vibrant art . Great post
hugs xo

Linda Kunsman said...

really fabulous poem!!! Of course , the vibrant art accompanying it is brilliant too-great post dear Sherrie! Happy PPF!

Silke Powers said...

What a fantastic post!! Thought-provoking! And - as usual - I love, love, love your art! It makes me happy!! Big hugs, Silke

artbyjune said...

Love those painted faces and your Grumpy grampas poem.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I interpreted your post as referring to those who are ruining our world with their prejudices, destructive behaviors, and lack of respect for anything that doesn't benefit them in the present. Sadly, sometimes these "grampas" can be young ones too. Peace, my friend!

Faye said...

Great post, Sherrie. Young people have some great ideas. Old people have the experience to know what does not work. We need some youngER people in office, but people with compassion not only for the disabled and sick, but also for the normal blue collar worker who is diligent to show up and put in his 8+ hours for poor pay. Special interest groups' entitlements scare the pants off me. I think of my son who had CP at birth, with no benefits from anywhere, who had trouble learning even though he is very intelligent. He works extremely hard at manual habor, and hangs with the normal unhandicapped, having a difficult time financially. And I see people who could work, not work, but continue to push out babies so they can get handouts. We need balance.

carol l mckenna said...

Contemplative post and colorful and creative artworks and so expressive!

Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

peggy gatto said...

Gosh, your art always makes me smile!!!

denthe said...

It's a bit of a grim post, and your art reflects it ... Totally feeling where you're coming from :-(

Granny Annie said...

Oh dear, many grandpas are committed and honorable men. Many men, regardless of age, are led around by their egos and not their love of family and country. Love you art and your poetry though I can't agree about lumping grandpas all together:-)

Christine said...

Loving your art today!

Janet said...

I haven't been here in such a long time...LOVE the banner. And of course all your art is fun and colorful.

Robin said...

Hi Giggles, GREAT post!!! Excellent words of wisdom and wonderful art as well! Thank you & Happy PPF! Hugs, Rasz

Gillena Cox said...

When the old and young meet there needs to be give and take and plenty of it
Thanks for dropping by my blog this week

Much love...

start941 said...

Wow, another great post with fab art. "Pass the torch you silly old men, this changing world you can't understand" SO TRUE!!! I love how you make me think.

Anonymous said...

yes,,, we all know who they are!!
Beautiful work as always,, and powerful words!!!

minnemie said...

"Shouldn't we care for and protect our poor?
help them do better help them have more?
Shouldn't we protect those not of right mind?
understand the mistreated help them in kind?"

So true... and not only the physically poor, also the poor in spirit... so many hurting people... so many misunderstood... and society tends to reject or dismiss that which they it doesn't understand or can't fix. It would be better if we could seek to undestand so that we could care for and protect rather than reject...

DVArtist said...

I think you should take your poems, your writings and put them in a book for publish, and yes add the art. People feel this way, hurt, sadness, anger, and agreement. I know they would love to see it in print. I love your posts.

Irene Rafael said...

As the world population increases, we seem to be separating into factions with friction between each one. In the ideal world of my dreams we would all contribute and respect our differences. What world am I living in?
~~ Irene

Laney said...

I enjoy reading your poems - and beautiful art as always.

sheila 77 said...

Oh I know an 86 year old who has more mental energy, great conversation, good ideas and wonderful creativity than many younger men.
Does it not depend on the person? Having said that your poem itself its a work of art and puts over your point brilliantly.
Your art here is so good, love the colourful flowers and the grumpy man.

Claudia W | ImagesByCW said...

So true, and your 'disclaimer' :) So many beautiful paintings, really like the halloween one.

Lisabella Russo said...

I love your Halloween painting! She's wonderful. The flowers are sweet too.

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