Quote of The Day

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Peace to you this Christmas

Sunday scribblings this week is " Manifesto" and while I am all about the physical and emotional well being of Children. Peace is what I aspire to Manifest in my life!

I have been known to sport peace signs, on bags, ornaments, jewelry, purses, and even shoes. It's more important to me than most people understand. Christmas is a wonderful time to recognize that many children live without peace in their lives. Substance abuse is more rampant during the holidays,  at the brunt of it are children living in volatile environments! The stress of Christmas escalates incidence of abuse inflicted on women and children. So while I enjoy my Norman Rockwell Christmas dinner  I'll say a prayer for Peace hoping children can enjoy a holiday without fear of turmoil. Over and above material items we all need a soft place to fall, a place of peace and love, where joy can be born!  May you all enjoy the security of peace in your homes this season!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

May peace be the star of your holiday.
 And  Beauty your road to solace
May the magic of Christmas make you Believe

In the possibilities of a New Dream!
May  childlike wonder fill your spirit
And the love of family and friends warm your heart

May  your holiday be better than you expect!

and filled to the brim with love, joy, hope and peace!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Friends are a huge part of my Christmas

A rare photo of  my very best friends for almost a quarter of a century, taken a few weeks ago. Christmas would not be the same without time with them, whether it's a breakfast out, a coffee,or a giggle on the phone.

I love them all so much, they are a huge part of  my life. I have called on them   in times of trouble. They've  been there for  the best of times and the worst of times! We have shared laughter and tears, camping trips, hopes and dreams.  We have rescued each other  and held each others secrets.  They are wise ethical, generous, loving, tender women and amazing mothers. They are and have always been the heart of Christmas for their family!  They give with all that they have! No one could ask for dearer friends   I am so fortunate that we all enjoy each other. I am not only truly blessed at Christmas but everyday of the year with  these beautiful all natural tender women in my life! Merry Christmas ladies you all give so much to the world and deserve the best life has to offer! Thanks for your incredible undying friendship and love!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sunday Scribblings "December in my World"

Sunday Scribblings prompt this week is "December"

December in my world
Consists of getting ready for Christmas, enjoying decorations as I go.

 Finding peace in small moments, watching a holiday feel good movie with my kids.


Enjoying my annual Christmas gathering at a good restaurant with the goddesses

Baking traditional  Cookies that my mother made every year!
After making them for over 45 years, the  batch last Christmas never turned out.
This year I discovered  I'd written the recipe wrong on my blog. I put one cup of butter instead of one pound. Sorry to anyone who tried that recipe! I assure you they are a very nice cookie  that gets better with age!
It's now been revised and this years cookies turned out excellent! 
The secret is to knead the dough for 20 minutes.
I enjoy  inviting  people I rarely see during the year  for drinks and intimate conversation. A chance to catch up and really enjoy each other. 
 I prefer small gatherings of a few people at a time, rather than
a large open house.  That way  I can really connect!
We sit in the living room by the fire to enjoy the lit tree.
                      Ambiance is very important to me. I try to make things cozy!
There have been many changes in my home, still I've kept most of my traditional  decorations.  I've trickled in a few new ornaments and lamps to get a different look. But my favorite things, gifted to me by others  still grace my home where my essence is preserved.

I  can't just get rid of old things because they don't suit the decor anymore!
There's often great history behind old pieces.  December is a time to reflect on those who've come and gone, sharing Christmases past! I inherited the cabinet you see in this photo. I still love it, even though it's not quite right for the look I want. The woman who owned it babysat me as a child, her birthday was December 9th and she was as quirky as they come. Probably never dusted a day in her life, loved hockey, traveled the world by herself, and had too many cats!

I  also finished up some artwork  that had been playing on my mind!
It's now hung slightly higher and will be replaced with a smaller
piece after Christmas!

This month and last month I played lots of Tetris on my phone, while my daughter    coupon shopped for her shelter baskets. I'm sure she made several women very happy this Christmas! I was very proud to support this important endeavor.
The best part of my December was dropping off  all the things my daughter gathered, knowing people less fortunate can enjoy the basics and a few goodies too!
After all that is the true spirit of Christmas!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Revamped Wreath

This is the an old wreath I revamped for eight dollars!
It looks better in person and even glistens in the sunlight.
 I bought the plastic sparkly, and plain balls in varied sizes at a dollar store! 
Two shades of blue off set  the silver!
Not normally a blue person, I am surprisingly attracted to it lately!

This  red one at pier 1 imports is shockingly $115.00!!! In person it doesn't
 look this full!
 This silver one, also at pier 1 imports is $80.00, no where near this full looking in person! My daughter  said ours looks way better. I had planned to add some ribbon to mine, but decided against it!

Got an old wreath laying around that looks kind of 80's or 90's ish a little limp and outdated? Give it a revamp! Fill your boots at the dollar store! Check out a few, they all have different decorations!  Get a little floral wire then go to town with anything that suits your fancy! Happy decorating!

Monday, December 06, 2010

Decked with lights!

 Last night we went for dinner then the movie Burlesque. 
It was amazing! I just loved it!
A two hours of bliss!
A ten in my book!!

On the way home we drove through some well lit up neighborhoods. Apparently I was driving  during the photo ops.... so many of the pictures were spoiled! Here's a couple where I must have stopped

Quite the festive neighborhood!

I remember a day when our home had so many pink lights it blew a fuse!!
It was a unique color and our neighbor followed suit, by doing blue and pink! Then when we moved he did all pink!! We have a few strands on our house now, nothing like these! We had Christmas carols playing in the car, all that was missing was the hot chocolate!

What a perfect evening!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Sunday Scribblings " Guidance"

Sunday Scribblings prompt this week is "Guidance" I thought I'd share a few tips for single ladies at Christmas.  One of my very favorite must dos at Christmas is visiting Art Knapps. The beauty of those luxurious trees is awe inspiring. As I drink in all the color and majesty I am filled with such, joy, hope and love! Everyone needs different thing to fill their vessel.....I need color, and creative inspiration! What do you need?
Tips for single ladies alone at Christmas

Treat yourself to something you have a hankering for, a new lap top, a nano, a lobster dinner, a piece of pie at that out of the way coffee shop! Indulge! Buy yourself a nice Christmas present something a bit extravagant like a piece of jewellery. Put a shot of liquor in your morning coffee Christmas day! Buy a good box of chocolates or an expensive wine! Take yourself to a movie you’ve been wanting to see! Buy a brand new housecoat or lounging pyjamas to wear Christmas eve! Put Christmas Carols on and sing along! Take yourself on a date, drive around and look at Christmas lights, then stop at a coffee shop with your lap top or a good book. Find a Christmas play or carol night to attend. Rent a pile of movies, or get netflix for Christmas eve! Make it special, think out of the box. If you’re healthy and so inclined to volunteer, do that! There is always grief amongst joy, sometimes we have to do for ourselves until life changes! If someone invites you somewhere you wouldn’t normally go, accept with no expectations! You may be surprised!
It can be hard to sit around watching everyone open piles of gifts when money is really tight. One year my daughter and I went to 3 holiday movies, then had tacos for dinner.   We never told a soul our  plans because we knew they'd feel sorry for us and invite us to Christmas dinner. We still talk about it with love and laughter as one of our favorite memories! Sometimes you have to do what works for you!


Thursday, December 02, 2010

Into their eyes

This  large canvas of "Magical Flowers" was started a while back
and has been revamped several times!
The poem was written last night in five minutes before bed. It literally flowed through me onto the page.  
Into their eyes
When you look into the eyes of your child
Can you not see the mirror of your life?
Pity not how you lived in the past
But forgive those who trespassed against you
Individuals unaware the damage they inflicted
It is but with this suffering you have gained
Insight to the unease of a child thrown harsh words,
Negative thoughts and nasty labels

When you look into the eyes of your adult child
Can you not see your own beauty, kindness and caring
Bubbling between sentences of their joy?
Fruition of a fine childhood you provided
A cushion of words to stifle their fall
Meeting their needs way beyond the call of duty
Enhancing their talents with a warm fire of enthusiasm
Incorporating what you know as happiness to inspire them

When you look into the eyes of your child
Can you not sigh with contentment and relief
Knowing you have accomplished something great?
Something wonderful and mysterious
Something you may not see flourish in it’s entirety
Yet you can be assured it’s because of your pain
This came to be, a person you not only love, but someone
You highly respect, and feel proud to call friend.
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