Quote of The Day

Today's Quote
The true art of memory is the art of attention.
Samuel Johnson

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Goddesses at art in the park

Laura, Barb, Chris Laura, Sherrie, Chris

Yesterday I attended the Arnold Mikelson Festival of the Arts with my goddesses. Sprawling forest, filled with captivating Artists and their exhibits. Exorbitant heat, beat down through the branches; as we ambled through, conversing with the talented people along the way.

I’d been reluctant to go this year. The last few years I found the vendors had become redundant, too many insipid landscapes, boring pottery without variance, crafters fraught with outdated button covers and unstylish earrings. Imagine my surprise to see some new flavor added to the festival this year. We spoke with an older female artist, selling the funkiest felt purses , in a blazon of colors. She agreed that some older crafters often waste their talent creating unattractive products, with unappealing, outdated materials.

We reveled in the words of a high school teacher Scott Gordon nick named the giraffe man, whose use of humor and color was inspiring. We met an older male more classic artist Dennis Magnusson who until three years ago was entrenched in the world of high tech, new to his talent, he now paints phenomenal larger than life flower portraits in vibrant colors.

One of our favorite encounters was with the lovely Melissa Nue-Lee , a self confident young mother and brilliant artist who paints with incredible passion. She was an articulate vivacious individual, who mesmerized us, with not only her paintings, but her words as well! Comparing her passion during the creative process, to that of butterfly flutters expressed while in the throws of love. There were many other amazing artisans at the festival, those were just a notable few for the day.

Rushed for time, the goddesses’ toodled off to find Nicci’s Studio opening. It was a quick, in and out, as Laura had to pick up her daughter from work. I originally hoped to stay and chat with Nicci, meet her husband, and take a few photos.

Laura parked on an extraordinarily unique drift wood and rod iron chair.

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