On the way home we decided to check out Nicci’s art display at “Artful Things” in White Rock! To take pictures and surprise Nicci! It’s a wonderful exhibit; her art is so much fun! Pepper is planning on buying a few bracelets and wearing them at work, to see the reaction she gets from the punky pierced crowd. Then see where it goes from there! That's us giving the window a thumbs up. Unfortunately the light shines right onto the painting, so it’s hard not to have a glare! Good Luck on your show Nicci!

Back to White Rock for Fish, chips and yahtzee by moonlight! People gawked at us as they walked the promenade. Seemingly interested in what we were about! Bryan mimicked what they may be saying. “My goodness, family games, that’s an oddity, hmm who does that anymore? What must they be thinking?" We howled at his antics. People did seem a little shocked that we sat playing dice by candle light. We had a blast giggling just the three of us rascals.
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