Quote of The Day

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Today I feel overwhelmed. I’m tired and I have too many obligations. I think I will do the necessities and opt out of a few other things. I have learned to do that over the years. Set boundaries so I can function properly. It’s a brave feat though, as it’s not always a popular decision for women who do too much.

It took me years to realize I didn’t have to do and be everything to everyone. I would see women run to the store and buy pre made goodies for parties. Stupid as I was, I would always be slaving over a hot stove, kitchen bound the morning or even days before cooking and baking for special events. The smart women would enter the party beautiful and fresh, having hiked or gone to the spa or done something enjoyable for themselves during the day. No one cared or questioned what they brought. I on the other hand was socially conditioned to make everything from scratch. Complimented for my culinary skills, it was expected that I would bring something scrumptious. Somehow what I thought would be more economical to make always ended up to cost more than the veggie plate, salad, or pre made dips the others brought. So much wiser in my later years I now do what suits me best. Sometimes it’s making something yummy and other times it’s grabbing something on my way. Only now I’m less attached to what others think of me!

1 comment:

Giggles said...

Yes,once you get over the guilt, "No" can work wonders for the soul!

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