Quote of The Day

Monday, February 05, 2007

More Birthday!

The first picture was taken just before a brunch date with her dad! Company and phone calls flowed in an out all day! Friends came for dinner, Pepper has a canker virus that played havoc with her food choices, the others have colds. As far as I can remember she seemed to get sick around her birthday every year. Many emotional issues surround those pivotal occasions in life! Way too many expectations. Living in the flow really does make life less stressful!

This year my princess requested a raspberry, cream cheese dessert, rather than the usual chocolate mud pie I make as her birthday cake. I decorated it with dollar store finds! She seemed thrilled, I missed the candle ritual, but it looks like she enjoyed it!
She finally retired to bed just after one, cuing her company, by announcing that she was tired! What nerve, wish I had her candor in those matters. Problem was, it was me that always over stayed my welcome. When I’m having fun I hate to leave. I am last to arrive, last to leave. Not the most flattering trait! Mind you I do always help with clean up, that must at least be good for a few brownie points! I don’t have the staying power of yesteryear, too tired, less of a partier!

A couple of goddesses are coming for a casual lunch so I must toodle to get my bath. My car is in the red zone again! So more worry about that, say some prayers that it’s not too costly, thanks! Have a great day!


KaiBlue said...

happy belated birthday to Pepper..and thanks to you for being a good mummie and Making the Raspberry cream cheese desert cake..YUM!
:) Happy monday to you ..
PEace, Kai

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday to your beautiful daughter! Hope she had a very happy day and celebration.
Excellent choice of dessert - that cheesecake sounds delicious.
Hope you're having a great week too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Pepper. Beautiful girl you have there.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Happy Belated Birthday to dear Pepper....you are the best mom...what a great tribute to her here on your blog. But then I am not surprised coming from your big and loving heart!!!
Sending hugs to you both!

Darlene said...

Happy happy Birthday to your sweet girl...

and a ton of love to you

XOXO Darlene

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