I remember fifteen years ago, before her first novel was published. We’d gone as a group for dinner at Earls; individually we did a round table discussion on where we’d be in ten years. Always the jester, during my turn I joked about being divorced, even though I wasn’t serious about it at that moment! We all took turns; Shelley reflectively commented that she’d have several books published. Guess what? She does, and I'm divorced! I should have had a better ten year plan! I do now though, I’ve learned my lesson!

Imagine my surprise to see that Shelley is now a fellow blogger, with one new book coming out in spring of 2008, and another to follow, called “Sister wife” in the Spring of 2009! I have read two of Shelley’s six books, hearing rumblings of controversy surrounding one of the books I haven’t read. If you have young teens looking for a meaty novel to read, I can assure you Shelley touches on teen issues in a very authentic way. Being a mother of girls, teacher turned writer, she knows kids. With Shelleys high ethics I have no doubt her novels are scripted with the utmost finesse, sprinkled with important lessons. Even though Shelley may not get caught up in the blogger award hoopla, I just have to acknowledge her with the Rockin Girl Blogger award! Just because she is a spectacular person who is making a difference in the lives of teens!

Janet already has one, but I am giving her another because she has started a new blog encouraging creative bloggers to make items for people less fortunate within their locale, in the name of a special blogger friend!
Amanda Hone because she is one of my favorite artists, my color soul mate and a wonderful inspiration! I think she is a Rockin Blogger girl and I'm hoping to inspire her to blog more...I love her posts!
Tammy is no doubt an incredible Rockin Blogger girl with her sage, creative, prolific writing and resilience despite her disability! You can steal any Music off my blog, anytime Tammy, because you rock!! Besides the music I put up is to introduce others to the many diverse artists they may never have heard of!
WooHoo! I'm gushing with excitement over the honour of this very cool award. You ROCK girlfriend!
Beautiful beautiful Sherrie!!
How good to hear from you!!
Thank you SO much for the wonderful award! And all the kind words! You are the sweetest.
I have just taken a quick peek at your blog and will read it more carefully when I have time. Thank you SO much for connecting with me again. That trip to Parksville seems like such a LONG time ago. How did you find those pictures?? I feel like I was a different person then.
I saw Caroline and Coral about a year ago. They are both happy and well.
I talk about our writers group often. I aways tell new groups of writers that without our writing group, I would never have been able to get my books published. Those meetings meant the world to me. I absolutely hated it when I had to miss one.
You look so fabulous in the pictures. And Pepper!! All grown up. Two of mine are grown, and Kyla is a 15-yr. old wild child. I'm not sure I'm going to survive her high school years.
I will read some more of your blog and comment. Keep in touch. And please, give Laura and Barb big hugs from me. And a huge hug to you!
Love, Shelley
wow fancy how things that come around wonderful friends are cherished indeed..
PEace n hugs, Kai xx
I love that you looked up your old buddy! I love that she got back to you too. Friends come and go so often in life, how great that you both have a chance to re-connect. Your warm and loving character is always shown within your posts Sherrie! As for me being titled a rockin blogger girl .... I'm totally feeling metal baby! thanks so much! :))
How neat to find your friend again and to share those photos with all of us!!
You are a Rockin' Blogger!
Congrats on getting the award! It's well deserved you are such a great person.
Imagine my surprise as I was reading along, learning how you reconnected with a friend, and enjoying your photos when I saw my name!! Thank you for including me for this award and for mentioning my new blog.
I loved this post. Isn't life fun? You think you've lost track of someone but then they pop up again at just the right time.
It's a small bloggy-world, isn't it?
Congrats to you, and all of the Rockin' Girl Bloggers!
Your story is a great reminder about manifesting. Thanks! xo
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