Quote of The Day

Monday, June 16, 2008

Faith and Karma

Date night for the kids, they joined us three ladies for dinner before
their Adam Sandler movie .

A few weeks back my daughter and her husband insisted on paying our way to a movie. My two friends were very uncomfortable with the two treating them. As I have witnessed in the past, I assured my lady friends it would be repaid ten fold. One friend slipped the money into my purse unable to take the gift. I made sure the kids got it back.

Sure enough, a week later, a radio station called, out of the blue, informing Bryan he’d won passes to a very expensive concert. Tickets costing approximately three hundred dollars! He doesn’t recall entering a contest! Maybe I entered him, I do that sometimes. Or it could have just been a random draw because they belong to the stations website! They already have tickets to this weekend event but plan on selling them to pay for half their own tickets! Pretty fair investment if you ask me! It’s all about faith and karma! One good deed really does deserve another!


Mary Timme said...

Hi Sherrie,
I want to thank you for your kind and beautiful comments on my blog while I was gone and caring for DH. He is making huge strides everyday and amazing us all.

You are so right, all the good you do gets multiplied in God's economy.

Mary Timme said...

Hi Sherrie,
I want to thank you for your kind and beautiful comments on my blog while I was gone and caring for DH. He is making huge strides everyday and amazing us all.

You are so right, all the good you do gets multiplied in God's economy.

Tammy Brierly said...

This is my favorite picture of P & B. Karma is a beautiful thing to witness! HUGS

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Boy isn't he the lucky one,who is he bringing?

JP/deb said...

Karma can be a wonderful goddess (or a nasty bitch!) depending on what energy we put out in the Universe. I'm glad she rewarded the kids! xx, JP/deb

Lucy said...

Good Karma will follow these two cuties forever... Hey..Is that a Halo over their heads?? haha that was my first thought when I saw the pic!!
One good deed DOES deserve another, Hope they love the concert! who are they seeing?
As for adam Sandler... Did they LOVE the Zohan as much as I did?? I am still laughing at this VERY racist but VERY funny flick! ( embarrassed to say... i've seen it twice) xoxo

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