Those quotes at the top of my posts are random daily. I find the synchronicity in todays quote quite amazing! I also agree whole heatedly! Couldn't have said it better myself!
Yesterday my friend Lucy had a birthday, but my friend of twenty five years took president having turned the big 50! Behind the scenes I worked on a Header for Lucy as a birthday surprise. It was welcomed even more than I thought possible. What a joy it is to do something special for a friend! Both Lucy and my friend Chris born on the same day are so similar. Their generosity and kindness is always over the top. Yet it's so hard to reciprocate...thankfully I could this year! Anyone else have friends like that?
Yesterday my friend Lucy had a birthday, but my friend of twenty five years took president having turned the big 50! Behind the scenes I worked on a Header for Lucy as a birthday surprise. It was welcomed even more than I thought possible. What a joy it is to do something special for a friend! Both Lucy and my friend Chris born on the same day are so similar. Their generosity and kindness is always over the top. Yet it's so hard to reciprocate...thankfully I could this year! Anyone else have friends like that?

i adore u and can't thank u enough! oxox
What a great gift!! You're a beautiful woman and artist :)
How sweet you are and what a great friend too. Have a fabulous day. :)
I like the first one and the last one....but then you know me, and purple is always my favorite color. What a good friend you are to do this for her.
I love them all! I like purple and gold, and turquoise, and red and etc. What a good friend to give a gifting like that! Happy Days to both of you!
Wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing! I love the little dogs. Their eyes are just brilliant. I like all of them but the last one is my favorite.Making this is an outstanding sign of real friendship. :) Your so kind. :)
i totally love lucy's new header,, and i told her so the minute i saw it.. you are such an amazing person, artist, poet, and friend... i feel so blesses just knowing you!!!!!
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