As I was meandered the blogosphere this weekend I came across a game on Linda Mays blog, called "Interview Me". Let me know if you'd like to play along. I'll send you some questions!
Here are the rules. 1. Leave a comment saying Interview me. 2. Comments with email addresses will not be published to preserve privacy. 3. I will email you 5 questions. I get to pick the questions. 4. You can answer the questions on your blog. 5. post rules on your blog with an offer to interview anyone else who emails you wanting to be interviewed. 6. Anyone wishing to be interviewed should be sent 5 questions on their blog. 7. It would be nice if the questions were individualized for each blogger
Linda May asked me these questions!
- Tell me about your favorite school teacher and why you remember them.
- What are your favorite colors and combination of them, what are they on in your home?
Anyone that reads my blog knows I love purple and green, especially that combination. I have it in my family room, and a different combination of shades in my living room, plus I have eggplant in my bedroom with another green! I'm constantly changing to more current versions of green and purple too!
I like an orange, fuchsia combination as is the small powder room in my home! (see above photo) I contemplated changing it recently, but was met with opposition. So I'll keep it as is awhile longer! Visitors enjoy the whimsy of it!
But I love black too! Wearing lots of black clothing, shoes, coats, and I drive a black car. I have many black accessories where ever possible. Black with either pink or red I love! But black with anything bright is a favorite! I can't pin it down because I adore all color save beige!

A fuchsia ( some call it purple) wall with green couch!
3. Talk about the last thing that happened to you that really had you laughing to bits.
Something funny happens everyday to make me giggle. But when my bum kept dumping the puzzle off the coffee table I howled in laughter. It didn’t matter how hard I tried not to, some days I just move past it, I swear the wind of my bum knocked pieces off! It was constant laughter….of course I had to keep reattaching it. Thankfully it’s finally done and back in it's cage, I mean box where it belongs!

4.Where has been your favorite place to live and why, how long were you there?
I’ve had a few really elite homes that I loved, my last one being my dream home. But living here has the been the most peace I have ever felt. Even though I loved those other places, cherish the extremely fun memories of those times, as well as
5. Tell me about your family? What is their heritage and what they do now? Thanks for participating.
Well I speak lots about my family, daughter, son-in-law, brother and deceased parents on my blog, but I am of Ukrainian, Russian descent on my maternal side. Irish and Scottish on my paternal side. I have inherited a real European style of cooking with loads of garlic and onion as my main spice from my mother. But my peaceful nature is inherited from my father’s Scottish side!
My daughter is a business woman, a district manager and personal assistant to the owner of a company she works for. She’s a very creative girl, who hasn’t quite tapped into her full artistic potential yet! She enjoys every genre of music attending many concerts, loves fashion and has a very unique style. My son-in-law is a self taught musician who writes and performs his own music, working at a music store to subsidize his dream!
what beautiful answers to great questions Giggles!
It is so funny...
I was just talking about how our kids always had to interview their grandparents as a school assignment, i no sooner say it then check your blog and YOU are interviewed! haha
Okay, even tho i am apprehensive on how time consuming this game may become... i am going to bite and say
Interview me please!!
I just read every bit of your interview. That was fun. I'm always interested by your life. So 180 from mine, yet many similar interests and thoughts.
Mostly though I love the pic of you and the story of your mom hiding the pants. What a woOt!
I enjoyed that Giggles. I will go and see what Lucy answered now. Bye.
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