Pepper and George Stroumboulopoulos
Not usually star struck Pepper was surprised at how excited she felt meeting George Stroumboulopoulos at the Juno fest Party in downtown Vancouver. Excitement fueled knowing how much Bryan reveres him too! His show " The Hour"is a regular in our house. We love how genuine and candid his question are to those high profile personalities he interviews.We love that he's smart as a whip, and witty too!
So it was a real thrill for both kids to get a photo with him.

So it was a real thrill for both kids to get a photo with him.

Last night Bryan was well received when he soloed a few of his own compositions at a local lounge on the invite of another musician! His confidence shone through. Later a lady approached to convey what a great job he did. Elaborating that she could tell he had a good heart by the nature of his songs! I was very proud, especially when he sang the one he wrote and dedicated to my daughter!

Congrats to Bryan on his music and to Pepper for creating such a gorgeous bag....and from napkins!! She is most definitely your daughter! Creativity runs in the family!
I'm glad that I didn't have to spell Georges last name. Peppers bag is beautiful and she must get
the talent from mom. Sounds like Bryans music would be a treat to hear.
I would love to hear and read Bryans sensitive tunes!
How wonderful that he had a successful evening!
and PePPErs BAG! wOw! I can't even begin to figure out how this is done!! GREAT job Pep! you have your mama's genes!
if I don't get a chance to say it later...
(working my butt off fri and sat giggs)
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