Quote of The Day

Today's Quote
Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
William Butler Yeats

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sunday Scribbling " Scary"

Sunday Scribbling prompt this week is " Scary"
An incident last weekend, along with a disturbing newspaper article about a man appealing his conviction for doing away with his wife provoked this poem, and painting. It's been a work in progress all week. Originally I felt it slightly too dark to post during Easter, a celebration of renewal. However I changed my mind when the Sunday Scribbling inquiry of what scares us seemed to mesh with these pieces.

Shattered Acrylic on Canvas

When the mad wouldn’t go away

I remember the kind of mad

When she pulled my hair


Because I sassed her

I remember the kind of mad

When she attempted

To whack me


Hit the cupboards

And broke a blood vessel

I remember the kind of mad

When I was young teen

Smacked across the face

While trying to break it off

With a suitor

I remember the kind of mad

When a speeding ticket

My spouse received in the mail

Was provocation

To choke me

Then put a fist

Through the kitchen wall

I remember the kind of mad

Where a drunk husband

Screamed obscenities

Terrified his six month pregnant wife

Punching and grabbing

her right arm

Fixed on the gear shift

I remember the kind of mad

That comes from nowhere

When a new mother

runs to seek refuge

with a neighbor

She barely knows

Escaping vile hands

Grappling her throat

While her child

Sleeps down the hall

I remember the kind of mad

Where ostensibly quiet woman

Bellows shattering accusations

Escalating into a tirade

On an unsuspecting

Grieving relative

I remember the kind of mad

Where a drunken sibling

Rants untruths

In a populated

Public arena

While others

Observe with pity

I remember the kind of mad

That ends things forever

With a blow to the head

A kick to the stomach

Barrage of harassment

Fear of death in a

Frenetic existence

When the mad

Just wouldn’t

Go away


anthonynorth said...

Powerful, and indeed a mad situation.

You can find all the prompt site news on my blog.

Nana said...

Beautiful poem. I think it is regretful that so many women are victim of abuse. Especially, when you have children involved, it seems even worse...

when the musics over said...

Absolutely gut wrenching. And real. Scary...

Lucy said...

Anger is a VERY scary thing and you've conveyed that so well in this chilling poem
Like they say... bruises fade but memories of violence, anger and pain.. Linger and hurt forever.
Your painting is beautiful Sherrie and I have a feeling it is a tribute to another scary reality That has hit your dear friends... Losing a child.
big hugs to my sensitive, loving soul sister xoxox

Mary Timme said...

I'm so sorry and I'm so glad it is a remembrance now.

floreta said...

wow, very powerful poem.. and great topic to put into awareness.. thank you.

ladygarfield said...

scary indeed!

Anonymous said...

scaringly powerful!
i think i have goose in my stomach!


b said...

You have reached the core of the problem...that kind of mad...mad that would seem could drive anyone over the edge. Well done.


keith said...

Goodness me, what a powerful and troubling poem. Happy Easter!!

gautami tripathy said...

This is a scary situation. Powerfully told.

as discussed in a writer's workshop

Tumblewords: said...

Well done. Powerful piece of a truth that occurs more often than we'd like to imagine.

SweetTalkingGuy.. said...

Phew, this is scary!

Patois42 said...

I'm so sorry. I truly am.

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