I've redone them at least ten times.
The smile is not accurate,
but keep in mind it's a cartoon of him,
and he can be found laughing out loud often!
It looks more blended in person!

I’ve been creatively busy, lazy blogger lately! How’s that for a contradiction. I’m trying to finish a cartoon face of my brother for his birthday on the 29th. I have been working on for three years, can’t get the cartoon skin perfect!! Lol….maybe I should make it green for a laugh. He loved it when he first saw it….I really want to get it completed and also make some prints of it….just for fun!! God only knows what he’ll do with them. Possibly put them on the back of his powder room door to scare the visitors right off the toilet!

I usually work on it a bit, then set it aside so I can study it as I go. In the meantime I have been working on this canvas called Ripe for love! It's not finished, I need to scale down the bodice on the dress! Wish I had the gumption to submit some of my art into a show for kids in White Rock. But I’m not there yet! I couldn’t handle my stuff sitting beside some skilled artists.

Today was a comical day! Pepper and I went to
Not telling you what I did……just guess!

OMG….the women were insane, grabbing baskets full of shoes to try on. They had staff running around collecting shoes from every area of the store. I was the purse sitter trying to amble through a maze of shoe fishing females with none other than a shopping cart! Dumb eh? Trust me I needed the barrier. If they had sticks I would have been dead! Damn I should have taken a photo!
Pepper got one pair of shoes a about a sixty percent savings!

We have Canuck fever starting. Out provincial NHL hockey team has made the second round playoffs. We have a flag we fly on the car when it gets close to play off season, in support of our team. Truthfully I haven’t watched much hockey since the last strike. But during playoffs I can be known to utter a few hockey screams since those other screams are no longer applicable in my life!!

Anyhow, we went here and there and everywhere, each time taking our flag off the car so no one could snap it off. Yes that can happen. We are tearing up the Fraser highway. Which is about 70 clicks not as fast as our 401 highway with the limit 80 to 100 clicks, still a bit of a clip for a residential area, when I remind Pepper to put the flag on the window. She rolls it down, no power winders in my jeep, oh yeah, it was windy too….I casually ( she may beg to differ on the casual part, as she heard it more as of a demand) mention to “ be careful not to drop it out the window….sure enough as soon as the words were out of my mouth…. It was long gone….flag road kill! So I took the first right onto a side street circled around and waited at the corner as she jumped out of the car and ran, arms flailing at her sides, ( we’ve often teased her because she runs like a very effeminate gay male) grabs the flag, still running like she’s ready for take off, back to jump in the car. All the while we are laughing so hard….about how the “DON’T, so quickly became a “DO” drop that flag out the window” We had so much fun laughing....and I think I feel like myself again!
Oh Yeah we're going back today....one of the young fellas told Pepper
there were even better ones coming in today!!
1 comment:
haha the end has me laughing.. I can just see pepper running! haha
it was long but as always very enjoyable and worth the time!!
quick things i must remember to say...
YOU ARE a skilled artist TOO!!!
Your bro. is a cutie pie! his cartoon is great..May i give one tiny bit of corrective criticism? His hairline! (of course you know i would notice that!) he doesn't have a widows peek yet you gave him one! Other than that..it IS him and so cute too!!
Love those shoes and would like to borrow them Pepper!!
big hugs sher! xoxo
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