Trust me I have sniffed many a homemade soap, NONE compares to this brand! I purchased my first batch at Granville Island market a few weeks ago, one week later I was disappointed I hadn't bought more!
There's a really generous variety of scents to choose from too! I can't wait to try a few of the more elaborate ones! This business has been around for quite some time! So why hadn't I heard of it? If you're interested in purchasing some of these soaps, I am assured they have been in business for years and ship all over. Check out their site. I have a really discriminating nose, you won't be dissapointed.....
I wish we had mor outdoor markets and events around here.
I do believe I've used their soaps and they are good!
Had to grin at the shopping trip. Man, I dislike with a feeling close to passion, shopping. You are brave.
I love sandalwood soap so I'll go check out their site. Isn't it nice to find something you really like so close to home.
your town has THE best shoppping spots!
I can just smell the soaps! xo
i have been buying their soaps for about 10 years now; it is the only one I use. I also like some of their other products as well!
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