Quote of The Day

Today's Quote
Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Monday, April 26, 2010

Checking it twice

Last week Pepper bused to a mega once a year shoe sale. All name brand   high end shoes for dirt cheap. The women were crazed hoarding piles of foot fitting candy. I have no desire to fight a crowd for shoes thank you very much. Not a parking spot to be found when I picked her up. 

This year it was all sales final. In past years women would buy forty pairs then return thirty nine. So they changed the policy. She found a pair of comfy rocket dog high wedgie forties style Mary janes. The clerks all but kissed her when she asked a non shoe related question. Why are people so insanely rude over material possessions? 

We decided to split a burger for lunch.  Asking the guy at our favorite burger joint  if there were any deals, politely, three times. I still couldn't understand what he said. In the end it was "  no deals today." We drive around the corner, on the side of the building a big poster advertising a deal, almost half the price. Annoyed we feel duped, feeding each others anger about the Tuesday special we're missing out on. One car length    from the window I  psyche myself up for the big " WE WANT THE DEAL" talk.  My daughter is more upset than me. I Iook to the poster again, then back at her,  pause  while she finishes her rant. Then trying to contain my self I tell her "It's NOT TUESDAY!!!"  We both burst into hysterics!!!  Not gunna lie, I rather enjoyed being wrong before I hit that window and make a total ass of myself!!!


Sandee said...

Bwahahahahaha. I have trouble knowing what day it is too. I'd probably have made an ass out of myself. Just saying.

Have a terrific day. :)

Janet said...

For some reason, ever since HB has retired we can't keep the days straight and are always asking each other "What day is today?"

I am in LOVE with those shoes!!! If I was younger I'd have to wrestle Pepper for them!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

love it when i share a silly moment like that with my kids

JP/deb said...

sometimes you have to just laugh!!

Lucy said...

giggles...you and I would have a confused hoot together!
as for the shoes! Love em! I own several pairs of rocket dogs..it's as if I'm drawn to them in the stores! haha I love your outing tales!

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