Quote of The Day

Friday, September 16, 2011

Paint Party Friday #27 Cup cake chair

Cupcake chair for my daughter the cupcake queen
So glad to be back participating in Paint Party Friday #27 this week!!

Life has been too hectic to blog lately. My hip has been a hindrance too. Everything I do takes twice as long as usual. So I have been sitting down to paint furniture. During the painting process everything is a schmaze around here. We finally got some of it back in order, but it was quite a feat. I inspired the whole family to get involved. My daughter did her burrow, and a shelf, sil helped too!  While I did a table, rocking chair and varnished  the table below. Which was a nightmare needing a million coats, well so it seemed...rrrr

My friend was over for dinner last night and said she'd never have the patience to paint furniture. Funny it's what I learned as a kid. If you wanted to spruce something up, you painted instead of buying something new. Oh sure I love new things, but it's a strain on the budget.  Besides it's  really  rewarding when you revamp old things to make them new again.

I was glad to see on the Nate Berkus show he's dedicating time  teaching  his audience how to decorate   on a dime. By thrift store shopping for quality pieces to revamp. I'm not exactly in that category because I'm rather quirky in what I surround myself with. I love whimsy and need it around me. If I can't find it, I'll create it!  I also revamp and  keep certain old pieces of furniture because I've had a lot of loss in my life. It's a way of hanging on to  the memories of those I've loved.  However I do need one peaceful room that has only small splashes of whimsy to keep me grounded. I've also been warned that my house mates don't want to live in the cat in the hat house!

After my funky  chairs were completed, as much as I am enjoying them  I realized I really do want black chairs in my dining room.  For that calm feeling while entertaining. The whimsical chairs will reside around my kitchen table as my personal eye candy,  once I find chairs to suit the dining room.  For now we'll make due. They're renewed and fun!


Mary C. Nasser said...

Wow! What a delightful surprise to find your work through PPF!
You are so talented, and your paintings are fabulous!
Love the colors and whimsy!!
So inspiring!


Jess said...

I too have always reused old furniture, again and again. I have some items that have had so many incarnations! I love what you've done to these chairs, so cheerful, so original. I know what you mean about having 'plain' once in a while, it makes the colourful ones even more cheerier in comparison!
Jess xx

Joni Nickrent said...

WOW! Now that's one awesomely amazing table and chairs! How could you not enjoy anything that happens in this space when you have such whimsy and joy present! LOVE IT! Happy PPF POP ART MINIS

Janet said...

I'm sorry your hip is giving you trouble....but at least you have some beautiful chairs to sit on now. Sitting on one of your painted chairs would make me feel so special if I were a guest in your home. You put so much of yourself into everything you do.

Carol McKenna said...

Another awesome chair! Wow! Love them ~ love your style ~ lots of work too ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) and Happy PPF ^_^

Faye said...

Wow, your chairs are so gorgeous. I do wish I could see them in person. I know you will have many happy times using the new revised versions.

Netty said...

Your chairs are fabulous. So much love has gone into creating these wonderful pieces. Happy PPF, Annette x

Christine said...

You did a great job, love those chairs!

Ileana said...

Those chairs are funky and fun. They make me want to have tea parties with my daughter again (she's 15 now and will take part in none of that). Thanks for taking back to simpler times with your beautiful artwork. :)

Ileana said...

Those chairs are funky and fun. They make me want to have tea parties with my daughter again (she's 15 now and will take part in none of that). Thanks for taking back to simpler times with your beautiful artwork. :)

Ayala Art said...

oh my goodness how cool is that! They are so cheerful and whimsical. I don't know if black will do now Xo)

Karen Isaacson said...

I love your chairs! I want to sit around that table talking and laughing late into the night.

ger chouinard said...

OHMYHECK! Those chairs are the BEST! WAY AWESOME! and a ton of work! Can just imagine how cool it would be to sit around that table in those chairs with my "besties". Very inspirational! Hey, what's up with that hip? Just had my right hip replaced on 8/16 ... still in recuperation mode and scheduled for the left hip on 11/8. Happy PPF!

carlarey said...

These are perfect kitchen chairs! What a great way to start off every day, looking at something so colorful and happy and personal while you sip your coffee.

Kristin said...

This is brilliant! I am a new fan ;)
Kristin xo

SHERI COOK said...

I think your chairs are cheerful and fabulous. I want to sit at that table and chairs and enjoy pastries! Yes I do! Happy PPF!

Rosie Kaplan said...

I love your chairs. I have been wanting to see them all together and there they are. I really wouldn't have the patience. I painted some curtains once. The turned out dreadfully but I was stuck with them for years!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I'd love this set in my home. How unique!

EVA said...

The chairs turned out fabulously well! What fun they are for your kitchen. Love the latest cupcake chair.

Zorana said...

I love the look of those chairs and your philosophy about decorating. Wonderful!

Lilac & Lavender said...

It's great to be able to breathe new life in to something, isn't it :) Great job on your whimsical chairs!

Elisa Choi said...

What a wonderful set of chairs! I miss seeing them and it's a wonderful treat! Creativity is the solution to everything and it's very helpful too

Yvonne said...

I love your chairs. I have done some revamping of furniture over the years and it always makes me feel good. In fact I'm fixing to do my table and chairs over. Don't know what I will do yet. Once I get it right in my head then I'll get busy.

Mary Hysong said...

I love your chairs! They are so cool. Happy PPF!

Be Colorful Coastal said...

The first one was fabulous but an entire set? Total infatuation here. I am so mesmerized by all the fun stuff here that I am now your newest follower.
Thanks for stopping by BeColorful and commenting on my foyer. I have a feeling we might just become great blogging friends. :)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your philosophy...give it a coat of paint for new life! Your house must never be boring :)

Kim Dellow said...

Wonderful chairs! kim

Hybrid J said...

Loving your chair and they make me wanting to paint mine ... great work!

GlorV1 said...

Oh wow, your chairs came out just beautiful!!! Excellent job. Remember I said I was going to do the same?? I haven't even started. I would love to do that but time is scarce these days. Good job, I congratulate you!!

Carin Winkelman said...

Those are some gorgeous chairs. So colorful and fun. Love them!

Melisa said...

Definitely fun!

Annabelle said...

So, I didn't know chairs could talk.....this one is asking me if I want a little scrumptious treat! Lovely whimsical and vibrant artwork.You did a really lovely job on these.

Just a little FYI note.......

After 30 some years of wanting a new dining-room I finally got one two weeks ago but guess what, one arm chair didn't even make it through my front door...broken.Then the light in the china cabinet didn't work, a piece of wood slice came off the edge of the table and then the other night my daughter discovered her chair rocked;no, it's not a rocker.So maybe I should have bought vintage? : (
Your way seems safer, especially on the bank book
: )

Kristin Dudish said...

Hooray! Your chairs (and table) are fabulous! It's so much fun to decorate with one-of-a-kind pieces! Yay!

I love thrift store finds, painting furniture, and breathing new life into old pieces!!! Wheee!!!

This is a great post!


p.s. I hope your hip is feeling better :)

Latree said...


hello giggles, I came by from forgetfulone's blog.

your painting works are amazing!

Geckostone said...

Oh YUMMY! These are sooooooo AWESOME!
I want them in my house, I would never be sad with all that wonderful color in the furniture!!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

beautiful (colorful) chairs! Ohhh how I wish I could paint!

Meg said...

These are fab! Seriously fun!

Thanks for sharing them on Show Off Saturday!


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