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Patches My daughter likes best |
Check out all the inspiring artist at paint party friday. For some reason I have been doing cartoon dogs lately! And one Owl!! Maybe my muse is guiding me to do a child's book! These will also be used as my faces for the 29 faces of May! I've started Lisa's " The Wright Brain Stuff" e-course I was so fortunate to win!! It's going to be so fun!!... I think there is still time to join in!!! I am very busy trying to keep up this week!
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Gabby I like best |
Twelve or more years ago I had dinner at a woman's home. I didn't know her well. Her place was adorable with old furniture all painted white and beautiful! On her wall was the most amazing painting of a large flower. Mesmerized, and in awe of this flower I asked who painted it, surprised to hear it was her. Curiosity piqued. I asked when she started painting, and was shocked to hear she was fifty, since she was just over fifty then!
It seemed like she had been painting a lifetime, her work was polished and professional. I inquired a little more. When she was young mother working on a batik of the virgin Mary, her husband came home for work! He yelled profanities at her, wondering why she was working on that crap when there were so many other things needing to be done. The man completely broke her spirit! She folded up her canvas, put it in a drawer and never touched another piece of art until she was fifty!
Two kids later she divorced the man! After a thirty year roller coaster ride, and failed second marriage she came back to her art! She's a stylish woman, yet I've heard a few family members criticize how she acts and looks! I felt very defensive for this lovely artist and spoke up vehemently.
I absorbed this woman's story and how others relate because she chose her art. It horrified me! This budding painter ignited thoughts of my own possibilities since I was closer to fifty than forty at the time! I haven't seen her in years yet I often think of her story , and other woman who live years like the two of us, not living up to their full potential !!!
It was a few years after our meeting that I started to wonder what was laying dormant in my inner vessel! Then I met my artist friend Violette (check out her contest this month) who pushed me into blogging... that's when I really dove in, a few months before my fiftieth birthday!! So glad I did!
How about you? Have you had someone who interrupted your creative process, or dissuade you from following your passion?
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Globby Bobby |
It was a few years after our meeting that I started to wonder what was laying dormant in my inner vessel! Then I met my artist friend Violette (check out her contest this month) who pushed me into blogging... that's when I really dove in, a few months before my fiftieth birthday!! So glad I did!
How about you? Have you had someone who interrupted your creative process, or dissuade you from following your passion?
i love these...such colourful happy pieces...xxx
Thank you for sharing this powerful post and loving all the great artwork. Happy PPF, Annette x
What a great story! I'm so glad she followed her art passion finally! It's never too late. I came to art later in life, but simply because I didn't feel any need to make art before then. I live with an artist and he was always encouraging me to be creative, but I wasn't ready until I was in my 40s. I didn't even know I had talent.
Your paintings make me happy!! Hugs, Silke
I didn't have to think long to know who disrupted my creative life. It was myself. I closed the door on creativity twice in my life and both times caused me years of unbalance. I'm so glad that I realize now how much happier i am when I have a creative outlet. Beautiful thought provoking post and beautiful paintings. Happy PPF
Love your pieces and what a lovely story. I've always had encouragement from all, so I feel blessed.
I never closed the door on my creativity I just never opened it fully. Now, I am fully realizing who I am and yes, that I am creative and love to use that part of me. I don't believe in looking back, just moving forward. I can't wait to see what happens next. I am taking Lisa's course as well. I think it will open lots of doors.
I love your work with all of its happy colors and energy.
PS I'm 66 so it is never too old to begin something new.
I love this story. It is such a testament to the power of following our inner voice, regardless of what people think or say. It seems when we don't do that, we tend to sink into a dark place. Way to go to her, to you and to all of us who follow our passion. Regardless of our age. PS - I follow Violette's blog as well. Some day - maybe I'll make it your direction and meet both of you!
Love all these colourful friends and your stories. I've been arting since my early twenties, I'm 37 today. But have really painted a lot more in these last years, the urge just got stronger to express myself in colour and I'm loving the fun and the magic of it. Happy PPF to you, take care. xx
Love them all ~ they are delightful ~remind of Blue Man Dog ~ (i think that is the right name) ~ wonderful story ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^
These are wonderful - i like the owl best. Like Marji, I was my own stumbling block in being creative. I started painting 3 year ago when a new friend encouraged me to join her watercolor class. I did not have much hope of painting, but really wanted to get to know this friend, therefore I joined. Now I cannot imagine my life without the joys or brushes, color, dirty fingers and... well... JOY!
Beautiful story, it is never to late to start being an artist, and never to early to leave behind those who try to put us down. Your dogs, and owl, are so delightful! Love the strong colours. Happy PPF!
These would make a wonderful book!!! So glad the woman found painting again- I can't imagine how painful those years had to be for her.
Very good illustrations. Saludos
Great faces, so happy and bright. Thanks for sharing that inspiring story too.
OMG... i want GABBY framed and on my wall so i can look at those funky polka dots all day!!! Too friggin' cute... i LOVE the colors and those legs! Yeah, you definitely have a book for children here. Great creations. xoxo
That is an inspiring story... I think so many of us took a "break" from our creative lives while real life got in the way, but mine was self imposed and I find that in my forties I am more confident and willing to try new ideas and be myself, so it has been a good time for me to put away my teaching hat and follow my painter's heart... one of the things I love most about art is that it has no age barrier... becoming a gymnast might be something I struggle with at this stage of my life, but hey Art is there never letting me down... and it has such a great community spirit... we are lucky to be a part of it..xx
:D nice! Love your owl with his funny little legs!hugs
That story makes me so sad! To not have the support from the one man in her life who should have been her biggest fan. I ache for her. Think of what she could have achieved if she had kept with it. sad.
I love your art and I'm so glad you dove in when you did. Your art is whimsical and vibrant. Thank you for your art! I very much enjoy it!
Happy PPF, Fellow Artist!
Wow! These are all so wonderful and fabulous! Great colors!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
Votre histoire est très émouvante. Je l'ai beaucoup aimée.
Vos peintures sont très gaies
love your bright colourful work!
Fab story and super colorful!! Love the little owl! Happy ppf (late) :-)
How adorable are all these wonderful characters. They are so cute and unique. You are so right...maybe there is a children's book in your future. :)
Doing what we love is so important to our inner spirit. It is constantly a struggle to figure out what we are supposed to be doing that is right for our spiritual development, when people all around are saying "Oh, you should....etc." when our hearts feel that those helpful suggestions are not right for us. I am so glad you listened to your inner voice! I love all the doggies, and your wise owl, too!
I agree with the others...these would make great pictures for a children's book.
As to your question, I drew and painted as a kid but as an adult I told myself I wasn't really an artist. It wasn't until I was in my 50's that I started doing art again. It wasn't anything anyone else had said but more of me not having confidence in myself when I was younger.
these are each quite fun to see.
congrats on winning Lisa's ecourse!
These are so cute! I think the spotted one is my favorite. :)
These chacters are all amazing! Love the bright colors. they make me smile.
No one has interrupted what I just started about four years ago. ;-) No one will stop me unless I keel over and die! LOL
Like Tracey said for me, life got in the way. I couldn't work fulltime and raise two boys AND be creative. I just didn't have time.
However, the minute I did, I started painting. I like your bold bright style.
Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors
I'm in LOVE!!!!!!! with your animals!!! So bright and cheery! Great story too.
Wow, you've been busy! They are all adorable solid paintings. Awesome.
Thank you for sharing that moving story! Great pieces, love the colors!
We all need to surround ourselves with people who lift our spirits up. Lovely story!
Love these!
I absolutely love your story!! Your paintings are very beautiful and full of bright colors.
Perfect for children book!
love love your cute paintings. They are indeed perfect for a child illustration book. Love the colors and their unique expression. Thanks for sharing the story of the brave woman.I also had experience the same thing..someone like my family. But I kept going. God made me strong. :)
That's so sad! I'm passionate about cultivating my kid's creative interests. I can't imagine talking like that to someone. I love your paintings! Maybe there IS a children's book in your future!
Thank you for sharing this story! How sad that her husband at the time felt the need to crush her spirit like that. That kind of thing breaks my heart. That is one of the reasons I have put together my weekly creative link party. I want people to feel inspired and encouraged... even if it is across a computer screen from people they hardly know. Encouragement is such a wonderful gift. I am happy to hear she came back to her art! Does she blog, I would love to see her work?! I love, love your happy animals here! Love the colors. Love the eyes!! Thank you for joining us 'in the studio' for the first time this week!! :)
Wow, Giggles, that is a powerful story. It shows how the spirit can be bruised by thoughtless words. I try to be positive when I comment on other artists' works. Some of it makes no sense to me, but almost always I can find something that does appeal to my artistic taste. Now, on to more pleasant things, like those adorable animals. You do eyes so beautifully. Even the animals have sparkling eyes. Yes, do consider illustrating a children's book.
GABBY and BLOBBY are my favs!!!
Happy PPF!
Sheri Cook
Happy Horse Studio
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