Quote of The Day

Today's Quote
Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.
Clare Boothe Luce

Friday, May 11, 2012

Paint Party Friday Week 9 year 2 " Happy Mothers Day"

It's Paint Party Friday oh so soon again, be sure to check out all the inspiring artists!! I've had company all week so this is all I could work on...many of these are still a work in progress for 29 faces of May! I'd like to wish all the wonderful woman whether they are mothers or not, the best Sunday ever! Some of us are fortunate to have children, others  lovingly take care of pets, friends and relatives in a motherly way. They too should be honored and celebrated for  all the selfless love they share!!


 Dear Mom

You've been gone twenty one years now, I understand you better now than I ever thought possible. Our lives are nothing alike. I've still never had a drag of a cigarette and could count on my one hand how many alcohol drinks I have in a year! A far cry from all those card playing nights where we drank together until the wee hours during my twenties. We fought too much, and disagreed about life in general. In retrospect I realize we just preferred different lifestyles. I should have respected that more, wish you had too!


You knew the man I married was never right for me, after being with him twenty five years we divorced. Life was very rough  he made our life a living hell for two years. Sadly he's never been  the father I expected him to be.

I'm so grateful you taught by example how to live frugally! It got me through some extremely tough years, along with help from friends, and my dear brother. On my own I managed to hang on to my home, and raise an amazing daughter. At twenty six she is married four years now.   I live a very peaceful life with the two of them

 My daughter and I do everything together. We've become wonderful friends! We spend quality time cooking, cleaning, shopping and planning together!  Although  we are completely different in many ways we have the relationship you always dreamed of having with me! She loves all my friends like aunties, and is so thoughtful, just like you were. There are so many similarities between you and your granddaughter! I find it just phenomenal that she only knew you five years yet you are so much alike. From the purse she carries loaded with everything from the kitchen sink, her love of travel, money management, and charity. She is so intuitive, thoughtful and has so much empathy for others! She loves and worries about her husband exactly like you did! She  picked a one of a kind terrific guy who is so good to me! Much like dad was to your mom!

When I was young I dragged you for hours on end through the malls with your sore hip. I am so sorry for that!  I really wish I hadn't been such a consumer in the eighties. You were right, I shouldn't have bought my daughter  so many toys, shoes and clothes!!

 I always remember you saying that having nice things in your thirties was enjoyable, but soon becomes a burden in your fifties. I'm at that point mom, where less really is more. I now understand how your  house cleaning skills waned over the years too, as it became way less important to be so  fastidious

My life is nothing of what I imagined it would be, but oh so special in so many ways! I am so fortunate to have my children as  good friends! I feel blessed to have so many creative gifts too! They get me through the day feeling so much joy. I've not been depressed in my life, like I think you may have been! I just want to tell you I always loved you even though we didn't always mesh! I wish I knew then what I know now....and I am truly sorry for all my youthful judgements....you did the best you knew how!!  As mothers day approaches I can't help but remember with fondness a mother who tried her best and taught me so much!


Faye said...

A poignant post, Giggles. Many parts of it I can totally relate to. Especially the relationship with my mother. Hindsight is wonderful, isn't it? It shows us where we have been and where we should have been. I enjoyed the paintings you made to illustrate today's post.

Marji said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Mom for Mother's Day. Love the paintings! Happy PPF

Netty said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful post and art. Happy PPF, Annette x

Nancy McCarroll said...

That is an impressive post and very introspective. I'll just bet your mom knows all you are saying to her, and it is good that you did it as it helps put things in perspective.

Your art is amazing, and I know your mom would say the same thing.

Funny about your being a consumer in the eighties; it was the thing, wasn't it??

Have a great MD!!

WrightStuff said...

Such a moving post.

Carolyn Dube said...

Love the lines and colors and expressions on these faces! Happy PPF!

minnemie said...

Beautiful... makes me wipe a tear and nod and smile... thanks for sharing...

Renee! said...

Fabulous color as always!!!!
Happy PPF...

Faye said...

Giggles, Just another note. I meant to say earlier how beautifully you paint eyes. I love to draw eyes, but I'm not much at painting them. About commenting on my WP blog, my dh just commented as anonymous and has no blogs at all and his comment showed up. However, after he commented and clicked publish, nothing else happened. There was no message to indicate that it "took" but it did.

Nora MacPhail said...

Wow! So much to look at. I love your dog portraits. All of the work is so bright and expressive. Lovely.

Tracey FK said...

that is a wonderful post... lots to smile and nod at in here... great accompaniments to your art...xx

Julie said...

Such a touching post, lovely words. And your art is wonderful, it makes my heart smile. :)

Viola said...

Oh what a fascinating story you've written ans so many beautiful drawings! :) You've done a great work here!

Margo@Legacy of a Single Girl said...

New follower here! I absolutely LOVE your stuff...the dogs are to die for!!!
Hugs from Arizona,

pauline said...

Such wise and kind words...
and those paintings!! They would so make an interesting book, wouldn't they? The bold, simple colors, accompanied by a story. I really love your choice of colors. Have a great weekend and a fabulous Mother's Day!! xoxo

Carol said...

Beautiful and honest post...love the art too. :0)

kristin maynes said...

Love your post! Your artwork is wonderful and your kind words to your mother are touching. I'm sorry she's been gone for so long. That must have been hard. Thank you for sharing, it makes me want to be a better daughter. Happy Mother's Day!

Unknown said...

Love your art! So colorful!!

Elisa Choi said...

what a very touching post Giggles. And I love the characters and faces you've drawn. Such emotions. Happy Mother's Day!

kat said...

So happy to have come by you here! Your work is so colourful and bright. I really love your style, such bold colours and Stud is excellent, such a character! Your words are most touching, mothers are so very special!

carlarey said...

What a lovely post. Somehow I can picture you and your mother laughing and playing cards at one of your colorful tables.

Jenny said...

A moving and beautiful letter to your mum Giggles... such a gorgeous tribute... and your faces are adorable... fun, happy and bright...
Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day...

Jenny x

Jenn said...

Such a beautiful, honest and touching post!! xoxo

(I just love the whimsy of your faces!)

Linda said...

What a wonderful post. I wish you mom could have read it, she'd be so proud.

When I was raising my daughter I used to think that some days she was a little too sassy for her own good but just yesterday she gave me a card that said.. "I used to tell you you didn't know what you were talking about...but it turns out you did." That made me proud to know that she actually listened, and even if she didn't follow the advice, she appreciated it because it came from the heart. I'm sure your mom felt the same way...secretly of course. :)

PS: You sound so much like me it's not even funny. :)

PSS: I love your painted chairs and faces.

Daniele Valois said...

love your bold bright colors! Fun paintings!!!

Debbie said...

Your faces are a lot of fun with their bold colors and shapes. What a nice tribute to your mother.

Liz Powley said...

Such striking colour choices :D My favourites are the first and third paintings. Lovely expression on the former and great colour on the latter.

Best wishes,

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