Malcolm filled in during Bryans absence,( he had to work, it's the busiest week of the year for his company) he was missed. Malcolm has the same hairy chest and brown hair, but damn he could have put some clothes on!. It's possible Malcolm is a hermaphrodite, yeah he forgot his boxers. I think Marco may be giving him a noogie.....you know, it's a guy thing, they take their knuckles and twist it around on the guys head!! Either that or he's tackling him. I doubt that though. Marco just isn't the violent type!! teehee!!
We made the thai salad together the night before. I know it was always
my mothers dream to have a relationship like this with me!
Pepper loves and enjoys all my friends too!
Thank-you Violette and Graham for hosting this wonderful evening. It really was magical!
Great food, and friends, a few giggles, fun conversations, tunes from Raf, nice weather, joyful ambiance, the perfect evening in my estimation! Thanks Raf and Sioux for the sweet gifts!
How fun Sherrie. These times are what life is all about. Your daughter is beautiful. I see where she gets her good looks from. Big hug honey. :)
What an idyllic sounding evening! You are so blessed to have the relationship you share with Pepper and friends like these. I'll bet Violette's place is like afairyland. My favorite picture is the one of you and Sioux.
Wow......i just love what you wrote Sherrie..........too much fun! Thanks to you and Pepper for coming over and making the evening such a delight. We really enjoyed your salads too....and we'll be enjoying them again tonite! Yay!
Love, Violette xoxo
p.s. i love the pic of you and Sioux too!
It's so nice to have you share these magical times with us! Violets house is beyond charming and Whimsy Heaven! LOVE all that color! You look so gorgeous! Especially in that photo with sioux.
Pep as always is just a living doll!
speaking of dolls!! Why does Vi own an inflatable man?? haha Gee does he iron??
I really like the photo of Sioux and you together! It's beautiful!
It's beautiful that you have that kind of relationship with your dd!
She beautiful too. She look's like you!
would you mind sending that blow up man with the hairy chest my way. You can let the air out. I'll blow him up when he gets here.
You met bloggers!! This is wonderful. What great photos and happy faces. And I have to say that coming to your site puts a smile on my face. The colors are electrifying.
Have a great weekend!
What a fun day! You are a very lucky woman to have such a special bond with Pepper. Great shots!
Your daughter is really your clone, isn't she?? You are both so pretty! Sounds like a good time was had by all :-)
Sounds like so much fun! Great pics!
I tried to leave a comment on your 3WW but my computer was being balky.
Love what you wrote about choosing to be positive! You go girl!
This looks fun! The pictures are
precious. sending love
What a fun group! I can hear the laughter from here! How wonderful that you can get together with Violette and Sioux and enjoy an evening of fun and friendship.
Malcolm must be a bit risque to show up for the party nude!! He must be trying to pick up chicks!!
Great photos, and it looks like a fun time was had by all!
What great photos! That one of Malcolm in the middle cracks me up!And I love that one of you making Sioux giggle. How fun that you were all able to get together~Hugs, Tinker
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