then walks you to the bus.
Everyday I am so grateful you are loved
the way I always wished you'd be!
Happy Birthday Blue Eyed Baby

Blue eyed baby
Born pensive and deep
An interested child with
An aversion to sleep

Blue eyed toddler
Asked questions galore
Some so obscure
hard to ignore

Blue eyed child
Athletically impaired
Your feminine scamper
Garnered a stare

Blue eyed youngster
With a mind of your own
Loving patterns and puzzles
And the Spiritual unknown

Blue eyed adolescent
So innocent and pure
Unique in your essence
Those days are a blur

Blue eyed teen
Responsible and alert
Not one day of worry
Yet I prepared to be hurt
Blue eyed young lady
A beauty inside and out
Proud mother am I
That you’re so devout

Blue eyed woman
Independent and strong
Savvy and sassy
Knowing where you belong!
Sometimes I feel like a character in the Robert Munsch book “ Love you forever.” Roles are reversing. Seems I often need you more than you need me. Oh sure I still make meals and drive you around, I’m there to listen with my wisdom in tact. The aprons strings have become thread bare, wearing away with each independent flight you take to different lands. Each problem you solve on your own and each adventure I don’t share. Ultimately this is what a mother wants for her child. It’s been a smooth transition, with very few rifts, lots of respect and many laughs along the way.
I always had a dream for you. One of happiness, love and success where ever your heart leads! I also hoped to give you more than I had as a child. In some ways that manifested, but I made more mistakes along the way than you ever did. Even now I am assessing those, wishing I could turn back time.
Always know there is not one moment of you and me time I regret. You have NEVER disappointed me. Even though I am a very maternal parent, you have missed out, and I really have learned more from you than you could have ever learned from me!
In you I see the best parts of all those I’ve loved. My labored relationship with my mother is better understood, while watching your attributes develop into an innovative, respected business person with amazing fiscal sense. I see persistence to make things happen, and repair injustices. Like my brother you set goals and accomplish them. Working around any adversity……(like driving), that’s where I come in!
I love your environmental responsibility and need to live clean. I love that you take public transit even though the universe is telling you to get your license by sending a bird to poop on your head at the bus stop! I love that despite being a very capable business person, you can laugh when you slip on the ice trying to avoid the birds at the bus stop.
I see my feisty youthful self in you. I remember it’s not always popular to be that way, but it’s distinct, authentic and attracts good people to you!
I know I don’t tell you enough how special you are, and I’m sure my blog friends are sick to death of reading posts I write about you! But I need you to know how lucky I feel having such a special daughter in my life. I feel incredibly blessed at how loyal, and generous you are with me, even though I put “THE” in front of almost everywhere I go, a blatant sign that I have aged.
I remember so much laughter between us! We still have our moments, but they’re less now. I can’t make you giggle like I used to with my silly antics. Instead I’m becoming an eccentric old lady, slightly embarrassing at times. I didn’t start out thinking my life would be as it is. I wish I’d had more goals earlier. Instead I chased the dollar. For a time it was enough…we all know life intervened on that. Like you, I feel this is our year ….. Even though the world is full of doom and gloom, our home is the biggest conduit for creativity….Success is right around the corner. Happy Birthday darling!!! I wish I had more to give you! A trip to Paris or London , a new coat, pair of fluevog boots!
Thankfully you have all the resources to strive for those things yourself, and a wonderful man who absolutely adores you and would give you the world! May all the rest of your dreams come true!
"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
as long as I'm living
my baby you'll be." Robert Munsch
Love you forever
Older Birthdays
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Blue Eyed Baby,
Happy Birthday to you.
Have a terrific day. :)
Great! I'm sitting here moved to tears, big ugly sobs. I miss my girl's!
A beautiful expression of unconditional love Sherrie. Happy Birth Day to you lovely ladies.
What a wonderful tribute to your blue eyed girl.
Great post.
Oh she was a heartbreaker from the start. you two could be sisters. she is very luck to have a good man. Happy birthday blue eyes...
Your baby truly is a special young lady, in no small way thanks to a loving and creative and open-hearted mom. Happy Birthday beautiful!
What a beautiful and moving tribute. A joy to view and read.
What a lovely birthday tribute! Happy Birthday!!!
And many more!
Ohhh how sweet! What a wonderful birthday post! I hope that she has a very very happy birthday!
She has the most beautiful blue eyes. Love that picture of the two of you!
Happy Happy Birthday to Pepper!Hope her day was special like her!
I Love You Forever is one of my favorite books!!!!I still read it to my kids and grandkids. I've read it to my Mom and evem read it at a family reunion!
BOY do u know how to make my nose run!! OH how absolutely heartfelt, how moving, how perfectly expressed! I, for one can NEVER tire of hearing a mothers expression of love for her child. Beautiful blue eyed pepper and soulful sexy sherrie you are both so blessed with a rare, profound love.
I think the last pic was beautiful but...
It would have been a priceless end if you would have posed with YOU in Peppers lap!
THAT book made me BAWL everytime I read that last page!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCKY PEPPER! You are so rich! A million dollar mama and a soulmate who's a GEm!! xoxox Big Birthday Hugs sent to u!
Hello Giggles! Just want to say thanks for viewing and following my blog. Have lots of interesting things coming!
Your post is so loving, I'm tearing up. (I also have a daughter...) The best part of this post is seeing these photos of you two head to head, smiling and loving. Happy Birthday to your daughter! You're lucky to have each other.
This post is very sweet. It touches my heart because my own girl just turned 21 on Feb 1st and I miss her so much. But although she married and moved a couple of states away, I still talk with her 3-4 times a week. Thank goodness because I'd go nuts if I didn't.
I hope your blue eyed girl had a great birthday.
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