Quote of The Day

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday Scribblings " Mantra"

Me and the Goddesses on Friday with my favorite dessert!
As the Queen of clichés….I find comfort in knowing those before me left behind the  wisdom of their mistakes. My whole life I’ve gathered loads of information before making pivotal decisions. Even with the compilation of past knowledge I still make the odd blunder. Things tend to work out, with a lesson to follow.

My mind rarely quiets enough to  meditate. However I can zone out on occasion, still you’re not likely to see me chant anything unless it’s in jest. Instead I throw out an array of clichés, “The cream always rises to the top.”  "Children learn what they live!"  “Do what you love, the money will come secondary!”

Won't you join me for a yummy homemade chocolate strawberry ganache
filled piece of virtual birthday cake?

If I have an emotional dilemma I ask myself “ is this  motivated by love or fear.” Although I don’t have a mantra many clichés play like old records in my head. Leading me to a place of solace, and cautious decision.

I sent out an email asking friends what their mantras or quotes to live by are.
My mothers was “ Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you” which I also live by!

A friend who's had breast cancer said “Help me Rhonda!" and " What the hell?”

My Warrior blogger friend with ALS  said
"Don't simply survive the storm but dance in the rain."

My artist friend who’s had her fair share of struggles tells herself to “Think positive!”

A  friend who has a very nice life, a beach view, travels to foreign lands, enjoys nature  and practices yoga, uses “ Love” as her mantra

Another wise friend on a quest to figure it all out emailed back “ Sometimes you'll think you understand everything, then you'll regain consciousness”

My inspirational  artist friend Violette wrote the book “ Follow your Bliss” not sure if it`s her mantra, but she lives pretty close to those words!

My friend who lost his two children within two years, after providing them with  most amazing care uses a Rocky quote “Life is hard, you have to keep moving forward one step at a time.”

Another blog friend who's had her fair share of trials said "Live well, laugh often, love much." Which also sums up how I feel, with the words love and laugh mounted to the wall of my home!

My dear blogger friend who lives a busy life with a glitch or two along the way asks herself "will this matter 5 years from now" and also says "this too shall pass" 

                     The following person  needs these  birthday flowers Pepper gave me!
Sadly she  finds little quality to her life and  replied with this truth laden humour
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep
Please let me die before I wake
Because I'm not sure how much more I can take

Even though my daughter the Princess has struggled along with me at times, but always seems to get what she wants, says “ We’ll make it work” or “ It will all work out” As a teen she used the words“ Live, love and laugh”. Before she was born in the early eighties I gave each of my dear friends a gold necklace with those words. I think she’s right,  it usually always works out!! Not always exactly as predicted, but there are trickles of joy waiting to be found in every corner of life!

Friday, May 28, 2010

I dared to be different with my NEW KIA SOUL!!!

Tara Richley with my new car

A Happy Birthday for me, my car is one week old today! With .415k on it!

The KIA SOUL stole my heart and pinched my money! Intimidated is an
understatement as a  woman on the hunt for a new vehicle. Men cloistered at the door sizing you up. Do I disgustingly  pimp out my daughter for a good deal, knocking them off their game as they ogler her? Or do I listen to a pile of crap spewing from the assuming salesmen who surmise abundant cellulite means  dumb and dumber has come to call!! Neither......

After a year of intense Internet research, picking the brain of every male I respected, and driving around car lots hoping a decent woman, or kind man with a touch of integrity would approach me,  I tagged along with a dear friend during her test drive appointment. Two of my best friends all needed new cars this month. One involved in an accident, no fault of her own, had her three year old car written off.  The other friend had her car die on Mothers day, while mine broke down the day before. I'd hung on a year too long, spending too much to keep mine  alive. I  was  well overdue for a new road warrior!  Not another dime could I sink into my eighteen year old money pit!

If you've never seen the inside of a black  Soul, this is it!

Tara Richley a young Kia sales woman won me over with her  friendly, efficient  and respectful demeanor, making a tough decision very pleasant. She was very informative too! ATTENTION car dealerships there should be MORE female sales personnel!!!!  Not testosterone wannabes,  like Fred (short for Fredricka) at the Chrysler Dealership who tried to baffle me with bull! Women who treat  others how they want  to be treated, that's who I prefer to deal with. After all, entering  a car dealership is like a pending root canal, done with much trepidation.

One friend bought an adorable Black Nissan Versa. She encountered a  salesman at a different dealership who told  her he believes all women deserve new vehicles,  informing her of the best color for her....laugh out loud.....What a Bozo!!  Yeah that didn't happen. A woman is usually more informed than she reveals, and knows exactly what she wants. She can spot the purse and shoes she desires from a mile off....cars and men aren't much different.

My Friends Forte Coup.... photo courtesy of google

We test drove a few vehicles, my other  friend bought a cherry red sports car on the spot. She knew instantly that was the car for her. Into extreme fitness, this car is a perfect fit for her style and budget! I wasn't buying anything until the following week. In the meantime I rented a 2010 black dodge Hemi truck, hard to step up  into, it was a dream to drive for a few days.

Google photo of the Kia Soul

More and more I was loving the appearance of the Kia Soul. A subjective vehicle people either love or hate! A loyal jeep owner for so long  it was difficult to deviate from a North American car. Attracted  to the boxy style, the  bells and whistles in the  fully loaded Soul won me over. I love the idea of built in bluetooth, even though I need a new phone to accommodate it. Built in ipod connection with USB is innovative and alluring too! Plus it goes like stink,  better than I expected.  

Great gas mileage and piles of room for everything works for me! We put a six foot seven relative in the back with head and leg room to spare...he was shocked at how roomy it is. It's a lot of luxury in a small package.... a mini SUV for me, the seats flip back. I'm still trying to figure out how all the lights work. The radio is okay, but when the Ipod is on that car is a rocking with fabulous sound.  The dash lights up red at night and the door speaker lights beat to the music an utter artists delight! I never had that euphoric feeling I got with my corvette or new jeep, but Oh mama I am falling in love with my Slick ( my Souls pet name), this car makes me so HAPPY!!! 

So far I really like the Kia dealership who lent me a vehicle while I waited a day for mine. Kudos to Nick for making the transition joyful and smooth!  Thanks Tara, I don't buy cars that often, you and Nick made it so enjoyable!!! I'd recommend both of you anytime!!


Here are a few favorable articles you can check out!

Automobiles review
Driving .ca
More detail at Driving .ca

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday Scribblings Dragon

  So excited to get my car he hoisted it by hand, if that 
 didn't work I'm sure he'd have carried it home on his back!

I tell ya I have been dragon (draggin)....my ass.....trying to decide what car to buy!
After a year of contemplation, research and  frustration I finally slayed the dragon, released my wheels to the man above, then purchased a new car!  In the end I choose my original  first pick,  a vehicle that struck my fancy as an artist!  Oh sure I'd have preferred a top of the line BMW or Mercedes suv, even a convertible mini cooper  could have swayed me had I the income to maintain it. As a loyal jeep owner for twenty fours years I considered it as well!

Bryans oldest brother, proud new owner of my 
18 year old renegade he has big plans for her!
Take note his foot is laying claim saying,  " It's mine now!"

Surprisingly I'm quite vain when it comes to the four wheels under my butt.  My first car was purchased as a surprise, without my input. A red cricket parked in the driveway long before I had a license. I'd pull the key out and it was still kerchunking  away (still running)  as  I entered my place of employment. Worst investment ever made as a married couple. Lasted five years, rusted out, and died.

Next car, a 77 Corvette, barely used.  A co worker anxious to upgrade sold it  to me.   At twenty one I became the epitome of the  Lionel Richie song "Three times a lady!" zooming around in a disco boat!  Drove it ten years, sold it a year after baby was born, didn't fit her stroller, made two hundred dollars above the original price. It was like having a free car for a decade! 

After that I was a jeep girl all the way! First a silver diesel Cherokee, which was totalled when I hit black ice in the dead of winter.   Lucky to be alive mishap, my car was replaced with an unattractive wine colored Cherokee. Which I took with much gratitude feeling fortunate to be alive with a similar vehicle to drive.  I kept it four years then bought a brand new Black Renegade. A convertible that I loved. I remember the euphoria of a new car,  the smell, the fun. I went from being known as the lady with the big hair in a corvette, to the mom with the pink seat covers. My car brought me so much joy I can't even begin to tell you the fun I had in it. Stuffed to the brim on camping trips, loaded with kids to go swimming, putzing around on a hunt for blue Slurpee's. Giggling down the beach in babushkas with the roof off, wearing fake noses to startle onlookers, massive curls flowing in the wind......those were the days.

           After 18 wonderful years sadly my car pulls away to it's new home
            in the country. A difficult moment to relinquish
            almost two decades driving  a car that was truly me!

Now what vehicle do you think I would have bought??? If I have  already told you please don't spoil  the surprise. Stayed tuned for the reveal on my next post where you'll see the car I purchased!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bohemian Tribe makes a difference

I wanted to share this fabulous song "Talk'n bout you and me" written by R.W. Currie  for my Artist  friend  Violette's  Bohemian Tribe who posed like the calender girls to  raise  money for women's programs a few years back. Roger Curry wrote this song especially for them!! It really touched me feeling the way I do about my goddesses group  who make such a difference to my world and all who know them!!

Kudos to women brave enough to swallow their fears to make a difference for others. Thumbs up for this enjoyable tune!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


A very strong message


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Scribblings " Recipe"

Sunday Scribblings " Recipe"
My daughter had a tight bright party to attend last night. She started to roll out the double recipe of sugar cookies she'd prepared the previous night. Her hands were perspiring profusely and kept slipping off the rolling pin.... So super mummy to the rescue,( even though this was not in my plan) rolled out several cookie sheets of music notes, and tiny guitars for the musicians Birthday bash.

More than I'd like to count broke in half. We mixed up several colors,
  sat at a big table and had a decorating fest. 

I even decorated the broken cookies....which I actually liked best. Which goes to show sometimes the broken ones can shine dispite their imperfections. Art presents in so many ways during the day at times living in the moment can be the most fun. We turned a negative into a positive, they went to their party. I had a lovely dinner and visit with my dear artist friend from the magic cottage!

My big beautiful son in law in his thrift store pants that just so 
 happen to be Zara mens brand new,( tags still) on for a few bucks!

Recipe for contentment

Dissuading the voice of negativity, from self and others

Being strong in your convictions despite criticism

Knowing, what may suit others, may not be right for you

Setting boundaries to free time, enjoy family, create and keep your sanity

Enjoying the essence that is you, as odd as that may be

Respect that we are all unique with individual gifts to share

Realizing and believing YOU are BETTER than YOU think you are!!!

Feeling peaceful in our aloneness

Listening to (gods’ whispers) or intuition to find the core of who we are

Expressing yourself without reservation, knowing it may not always be well received

Listening with compassion, and without judgement

Be generous with empathy

Seeing the world with as much humour as possible

Laughing at your follies, as a celebration of humanity and a means for joy

Laugh often, be goofy, shake it up once in a while and see the humor in life

Looking beyond justice into truth....it’s different for each of us!

Sharing what you can afford, anything that’s an asset to you

Harness impatience and really connect with your surroundings

Love deeply without expectation!

Let music fill your soul

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sunday Scribblings " Courage" We are three strong trees!

"Three Strong Trees" a 30X40 Acrylic

With so many unfinished projects in the wings I apologize for not blogging with any regularity. Funny how I painted and named this canvas for our powder room last week, and the prompt is "Courage" for Sunday scribblings.

The trees represent three brave adults who courageously live together and flourish creatively despite all odds! I never thought it possible to live with my married child. Some how we manage to make it work. Not without an air of dissension on occasion, to be expected when two women live together. For the most part we totally respect each others space. Working together to share meals and chores.

My twenty three year marriage, which was fiscally compatible, yet emotionally void came to head after an ugly incident so I ventured out on my own with a ten year old. Living on a fixed income, trying to maintain my own place with a pittance of support was tough at times. Sadly I only received six dollars a day to help raise her. It was tight, and I was frugal. On her nineteenth birthday all support ceased. Thankfully I was taught, through example how to feed my child nutritiously on a dime, and have fun with less. Mom would be proud of her card playing, coupon clipping, ecology minded, loving granddaughter who has managed to keep the frugality legacy going. Not without a splurge once in a while mind you. Mostly on trips and shoes. The newlyweds will even split a restaurant meal at times, so they can fit in a dessert. They like to dine where old people eat. Explaining the older generations know  where to find good food at the best price. Smart eh!

 I did without, and my daughter was no longer privy to  extra curricular activities with a cost. However it propelled her to make her own money, at twelve she  picked up an extensive babysitting job, making meals, getting the kids off to school and retrieving them. At fifteen she did work experience with  a Dee-jay company that manifested into a production assistant position where she learned some very valuable job skills and was revered by her boss!

I couldn't have made it without the help of friends and family who managed to slip me a few bucks here and there when I most needed it. Others donated time to fix my car, do oil changes, and help with household repairs. I was lent vehicles when mine broke down, friends offered to cart me to Costco and other places. I was treated to meals out, a fireworks night on a boat, camping trips and whistler getaway! All my past generosities had been repaid ten fold. There is no monetary value of true and loving friendship. It took courage for me, a very proud woman to accept  the help I needed. I am forever grateful and indebted to all the amazing people in my life! Including my daughter who got less for a while....and contributed without complaint once she finished school.

Along the way  I even managed to let a few kids stay with us,  board free to help them through some rough patches at home. Despite all our struggles, we had  love, peace and good food! It takes courage for me to divulge that I needed help, it humbled me and taught me many crucial lessons. Fourteen years later I can't tell you how proud I feel having kept a beautiful roof over my daughters head, feeding her heart and soul, raising an appreciative caring person who by all appearances seems happy! Living  communally affords us a quality life, with each other to fall back on! In my darkest moments when I was extremely scared, everything worked out and I discovered we ARE much stronger than we think we are!

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