Quote of The Day

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Paint Party #43 and Sunday Scribblings " Normal"

Water color patterns I had fun creating before Christmas 
and want to share for Paint Party friday #43

Sunday Scribblings  prompt this week is  " Normal"

Boy this gave me so much food for thought. It's really interesting to read what others have to say about " Normal." Personally I think it's becoming obsolete, or revised daily! Each of us invent our own standard of normal. Routine can be normal for some.  Many young people seem to crave it being that life has been changing way too fast the last decade. My own daughter considers her very old school in-laws to be the most normal thing she can relate to, and she loves it!! Although wonderful people they are not flawless. They stick to a fairly rigid routine of home, work, and church, celebrating pivotal occasions with family gatherings. I on the other hand balk at routine, and enjoy
marching to the beat of my own drummer, sprinkled with a tad of eccentricity and creativity!

  Past Normal

 Normal was a black rotary telephone attached with a spiral cord
The whole family gathered to watch the same  television show
Dinner at five around a rectangle  arborite table
Hand washing and drying the dishes afterwards

Normal was playing outdoors on weekends
Skipping lunch and arriving home in time for dinner
Seeing only one car in most driveways
Knowing the majority of the neighbors in a two block radius

Normal was wearing mandatory dresses, skirts
or jumpers paired with white knee socks
that got mud splashed on the lone mile walk to school

during a cold rainy winters day

Normal was playing board games and cards
Riding a bike without a helmet,
exploring the forest with a group of kids
Walking to Sunday school by myself

Normal was the security of two parents
Who loved each other, but still fought
An annual family camping trip with relatives
dancing and singing with my dad

Normal was running to avoid a spanking
Ducking to avoid a smack
Too many chores, too many lectures
Too many instructions with not enough understanding

That was my childhood normal
And I’d never want to go back!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Paint Party Friday #42 and Sunday Scribblings " New, with recap of Old"

I'm Sneaking in My Digital art for  Paint Party #42 late this week!
Sunday Scribblings 300th prompt is "New"
To get the full affect of this post you  can click on the photos to read
more stories about events and completed projects

In January 
I created this  " Mountains of Courage in Bloom"  Bustier 
In Honor of my friend Helen who proudly fought Breast Cancer!

In February My daughter turned quarter of a  century old!

And My Dear Friend Gypsy Goddess turned half a century old! 
We celebrated at my friend Violette's Art Studio! So much fun!
In March my blog turned five years old and in April
my HANDSOME baby brother turned 50!
For a funny story about him click the photo below!
 In May I turned 55, 
June I completed a guitar " Covenant of Color" 
to be auctioned for Childrens Hospital Music program

In July and August I worked on these four chairs,
which weren't a quick process!
September  I opted to paint my wood kitchen table rather than 
buying a new rectangle black one like I originally planned!
 This old side table was my test piece, it was originally going
look more whimsical, but I was convinced not to make our home
look like " The Cat in the Hat House"

      October I  conservatively painted my oak rocking chair silver!

       November I completed a  large whimsical canvas that I have no home for yet!
  December was spent preparing for Christmas, doing art, visiting with family and friends! Instead of exchanging gifts this year we donated  two huge boxes of sundries that daughter collected all year from Coupon clipping.

Photograph by: KEVIN HILL, Surrey NOW

My Son in Law held a art guitar auction at work to raise money for music program at Children's Hospital! For the News Clip featuring this Special mans endeavors go Here

              My New word for 2012 will be Nourish! Body, mind, and creativity!

2012 will be dedicated to  finishing off projects, gathering my art and poetry to focus on something marketable, entering some poetry contests, finding a way to make my bedroom more loveable and completing another Art Guitar!  I am dreaming of big things in the New Year! How about you?
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