Quote of The Day

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday Scibblings " Wings"

Click to enlarge
Sunday Scribblings prompt "Wings"

If I had wings
I would propel myself
From afflicting conversations
Debates unsolved
From malicious ugly
Mean judgment

If I had wings
I’d fly with severance
From angry people
Racism, yelling,
Contempt, cunning
Negativity and damnation

If I had wings
I’d fly into paradise
A warless peace
Where compassion
Comfort, respect
And Dedication reside

Oh yeah,
I am there
Let me park my wings
For those less fortunate
Wishing to Borrow them
To find their heaven, and themselves

This life style may mean abruptly ending a bad conversation escalating into anger, or avoiding an offensive news cast, it may mean bowing out of an invitation, or setting a boundary, it may mean requesting respect by asking not to be spoken to in a certain way. It could also mean agreeing to disagree, not answering judgmental statements, unplugging phones, evading certain subjects. I am very open to hearing constructive criticism but I will no longer allow myself to be attacked! Hence the peace in my world!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Illustration Friday " Remember"

click image to enlarge

Illustration Friday “Remember” to put your toys away!

I actually just made a pile of random strokes all over my page. I sat back tried to visualize something out of nothing….. then proceeded to add more calculated strokes to form some structure. This is what transpired!

I miss my dog, but it was a real nuisance when he took things out of the garbage cans strategically placed around our home. It's been ten months and I still think twice before dropping a banana peel into the can by the computer!

Friday, April 27, 2007


Just a quick question until I post! What issues are you afraid to talk about in life, with friends or family? And why?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Poetry Thursday "Costly"

Here is my attempt at the requested Poetry Thursday villanelle. Although I cheated on the last line! Only because it just seemed much better!


Your love is way too costly dear
impulse, the subordinate corpse
in limbo, I amble, alone in fear

Nothing can change, if nothing changes
inadequate the tireless rearranges
Your love is way too costly dear

A course of words remain unspoken
Shirked the shambles of a promise broken
In limbo, I amble alone in fear

Looming defeat, goads vacant stare
Awaiting answers of savoir faire
Your love is way too costly dear

Alit and frantic I ponder solution
My mind swims a mire of delusion
In limbo I amble alone in fear

Astute senses emerge keener
Dolce ascends my false demeanor
Your love is way too costly dear
Culpable Conclusion, near, I fear

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Paying attention to synchronicity!

The other day I impulsively used the word “treasure trove” as a comment on a friend’s blog. Later I read that she'd written those same words as a comment on another blog hours before me. I turned on the television, again in an instant the words rang in my head. I wondered about the synchronicity of "Teasure Trove" appearing three time, within a few hours. Still bothered the next day , I decided to do a google search, there it was "treasure trove" books for Children. Written and illustrated by Michael Stadther, a series of alchemy books for kid’s, which lead me right to Simon and Schuster publishing company in Canada.

I’ve been asking the universe what my path should be. Two Sundays ago I wrote a poem for Sunday Scribblings that may have offended some of the more astute contributors. I didn’t explain that it was the possible outline for a Childs book. Maybe even a reluctant reader. which I hear is in demand. The concept is humorous, appeals to a Childs mentality, and adds a reminder to wash your hands after touching your nose. Yes, the subject is nasty in an adults world, yet can be hilarious to a Child.

When Pepper was young I ritually made her laugh each night before bed. I’d used goofy accents and intonations to read bedtime stories. Some nights I’d go on a tangent randomly rhyming words that put her into hysterics. Together we'd laugh until we cried! She has no qualms expressing the happiest memories of a terrific childhood. I wish I had taped some those ludicrous creative moments. Of course like any parent, there are issues left unaddressed. Now that she’s an adult it’s surprising to hear the funny ideas and actions that transpired during her childhood that I was completely unaware of. Although they left me dismayed, they’re the catalyst for a few children’s story ideas! Some may be off the wall, but that’s what appeals to children. Although they are formative years, I was able to teach Pepper by using humor which developed a penchant for learning!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Crochet Plastic Shopping bags

I thought these crocheted bags made of plastic shopping bags might be a good segue way from Sunday Scribbling. A great project to do in celebration of Sundays Earth Day! A few weeks ago I found a pattern links on Kate’s blog of how to construct these amazing little bags. I thought they were a nice metaphor solution for all the flimsy grocery bags we are often stuck with on a weekly basis! Imagine these as your new shopping bags!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday Scribblings " Unlearn"

I created this plate and mug for a wedding shower
Sunday Scribblings Prompt " Rooted"

I’ve scrapped my poem for for Sunday Scribblings after yesterdays jaunt to the mall (my least favorite place to be), I might add. My daughter was on a mission to find a gift, I trailed along. While racing past Cotton Ginny a rack of kelly green shirts with the word “Unlearn” jumped out at me. Perplexed, it took me a moment to compute the meaning. Pondering possibilities, of what we need to “Unlearn”? It was like a lightening bolt struck! “Oh yeah, that’s what it means!”

Today I asked the kids what they thought a shirt sporting the word “Unlearn” meant. They were more concerned I had purchased one for them, rather than answer the question. Pepper spouted that you can’t “Unlearn” what you already know! They didn’t pay much heed to my question, instead just kibitzed back at me!

I haven’t told them yet that we need to “unlearn” pretty much our whole lifestyle pertaining to the environment, everything, from paper napkins to driving our cars. There is a call to get back to basics, more than anyone realizes, to save our planet and be environmentally responsible.

Long before the blitz on ecological issues, I became frustrated with how things have been constructed the last thirty years. Durability of household items is lame! My mother had a Sunbeam hand mixer for well over thirty five years. They were used faithfully, more than I have ever used mine. I’ve seen the life of probably six sets of beaters in the last thirty years. The same with coffee pots and toasters! The life span of house hold items is short in comparison. This is just a small environmental issue of our throw away world. Don’t worry, I’m well aware I probably contribute to much of the hypocrisy we live!

We need to “ Unlearn” how we use our vehicles, that may even mean putting children in less extra curricular activities, spending more one on one time with them at a local park instead or playing a game of rummy! Planning out car trips, to accomplish several errands at one time! Putting less water in a bath tub, letting kids bath one after the other. Rethinking how we live, “Unlearn” all our wasteful bad habits.

I worked in a grocery store years ago, it was only open until nine p.m. Thursday and Friday nights, closed on Sundays. All the other days it was open until six p.m. everyone managed to get their shopping done in that period of time. Parents were home with their children, many teens worked the evening shifts until nine. Now the big florescent lights are on twenty four seven! Everyone works until midnight all week long. Instead of having the bulk of the employees working during the day, it’s spread out until midnight! Families are void a parent for meals, as well as evenings and Sundays. You could throw a bowling ball down each isle, with only a trickle of people who shop until midnight. They basically obliterated the little mom and pop grocery store, now I hear tell next year we will be getting our first Walmart grocery store….which I’m sure will swallow up many of the local grocery chains too.

I was fortunate to live in a home with frugal, old school parents. They didn’t waste a thing, ever! They didn’t even drive the car unnecessary. Today there is a dire need for that old school mentality, even more than ever before. We need to “unlearn” so many bad habits that are deeply rooted in our North American culture today! Vintage is in!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Phenomenal Woman

My Dear friend Barb, a forty nine year old grandma, completed her first triathlon today!! Isn’t that amazing? She just learnt to swim this year. I am so proud of her. She had so much angst and concern about finishing it. I had complete and absolute faith that she’d make it! She is a multi talented woman…and I wish her all the best in many more triathlons to come! She’s definitely one phenomenal woman!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Illustration Friday " Bipolar"

click to enlarge
Todays illustration friday depicts the dark side of bipolar! I usually make more joyful art! Living with people who are afflicted with bipolar can be a fearful! Addressing episodes that have occurred can put a family or partner in jepoardy! It's niave to think we can determine who is mentally ill at a glance. Those who have experienced a life with the mentally ill have a better chance of reconizing the characteristics immediately. It's a subject often left unattended until a dire need arises!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Poetry Thursday "Among us"

I created this mug and plate for a fellow as a shower gift!
My poem for poetry Thursday only skims the surface of an issue dear to my heart. In the near future I will delve into the havoc it causes families!
There was no time to participate in the guerilla poetry this week. Although I think it could be a grand idea, with more time and thought behind it!
Among Us
Concealed in daily living
Unnoticed by the naked eye
Sprinkled amongst friends
Family and associates
Blemished personality
Quiet, unassuming
Passive aggressive
Introverted, inconspicuous
Devotion masks obsession
Fascination kindles adoration
Gifts mask bribery
Peace embodies gloom
Obstinacy tempts damnation
Afflicted agitation
Rouses rants, rages
And Retribution
Mental illness

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Three generations

I thought this was a fun picture of three generations between 20 and 22! I only wish I had a more similar picture of Pepper. Do you have pictures of your children, your mom and you at the same age?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Grief Wings

My grief wings represent the "world spirit of grief" for young people of all cultures who tragically die!
April 16th 2007

I created an emblem to honor the families and friends who lost loved ones at Virginia Tech yesterday. There are no words, and yet these angel wings flowed out of me, along with tears for young people who died unjustly before their life began! As a Canadian Mother, my heart bleeds for all the families who have lost a child. I am deeply saddened…

Monday, April 16, 2007

Twenty Year Photo Challenge!

A few days back Vicci posted a challenge to “Go find one of your favorite photos...from lets say...at least 20 years ago....and POST IT.....tell us a story about it..and why you like it so much..” Anyone reading my blog please join in!!! Here are mine!

The day of my friends wedding in 1981, I’m twenty five. About ten months before this picture was taken I left my husband for six weeks. The friend I stood up for begged me not to return to him! Another friend advised me to alleviate all doubts by returning. Reminding me I could always depart if I we were unable reconcile our differences. I went back, four years later I had a child, and ten years after that I left permanently….Should I have returned in 1981?

At twenty four years old, I had lost some weight and I was more confident than ever before. I was full of piss and vinegar, drove a corvette, and lived every waking moment to the fullest! Even though I was married, men loved me because I knew how to play hard. I would ballroom dance, golf, play baseball, pool, darts, bowl, bridge, crib, gamble, I could drink one for one and party till dawn! Those were the days my friend! That’s me with my dog Benji in my arms!

I remember that night. My parents stayed at my house for a weekend of bridge! Mom had a few too many and started picking at me. When she fell asleep, I had an intimate talk with dad. He explained how he witnessed mom suffer through the same treatment at the hands of her mom and aunt. He found it disturbing when my mom and her sister would gang up on me….with history repeating dad would always take my side. He had a great sense of justice!
Did I go on to repeat the behavior?
This is the only picture I have of all four of us together, its 1980! Mom is fifty six and dad is sixty one! Pretty sad! So I urge you, for the sake of your children have family pictures taken. I’m twenty four, my brother is Nineteen there! Five years before dad passed away! Check out my lily white skin.....I look like a ghost...Pepper has the same skin....
That’s me at two, I remember being out in the yard a lot while my parents gardened their rockery! Dad built that house by himself, with very little help and only an instruction manual. Not bad for a man with low self esteem and minimal education! I had pneumonia about four or five times when I was small, from three years on. Mom put a pillow between adirondack chairs that dad built, so I could be outside in the summer. I wasn’t to run around. Once recovered I remember often stubbing my toes while wearing thongs….yeah the old kind you put on your feet, not the bum floss!

That’s my first day of school. My mom dropped me with a friend because she had to work. That was an awful scary day that I still remember. I was a sad little girl, my mom worked full time, plus she was a busy home maker too! So there wasn't much spare time for me. I can’t say I liked being a child, I always felt melancholy and lonely. Those knee socks were my pet peeve, with no elastic in them. I remember having socks like that for years. Maybe that’s why I hate socks….hmmmm….my daughter has a gazillion of them!!! She always gives them out as gifts too! If she never bought another pair of socks again she’d have enough to last the rest of her life! She must be a sockaholic!
This is me with my first set of dogs, they were a litter apart. Peppers dad brought the first home from a neighbor. I said no dogs, but who could resist a dog name Angel with a little white face. A year later Angels mother had another litter, with my couch having a chewed hole in it, I said emphatically“ NO WAY”, but look at his face….I succumbed to the pressure of his cuteness! Those dogs were the greatest of friends and had the best disposition. They’d run down our fifty foot driveway then halt at the end just before the road. They were great pals and kept each other company when we worked. Those munchkins devoured a few chocolate bars while we we were out leaving behind a mess. So I started leaving the music on when we left! It’s true, music does soothe the savage beast! Benji lived to eighteen!

The last picture is a favorite picture of my youth. I was twenty two; I loved my stacked big hair and le Chateau burgundy suit. There was a beautiful light lilac parrot broach pinned to it. It was lost over the years, but it was fabulous. That was taken at my sister in laws wedding, she too is now divorced from the other brother. I remember the parents at that wedding wishing their daughter had married my husband instead of who she was marrying. Ha ….little did she know the rebel attitude was hereditary! It’s fitting that I am holding my glass up in a toast….so I say to my youth, faded but not forgotten! Schast'ya i zdorov'ya!
I am thinking I have a few more I want to hunt for, these were left over from my fiftieth birthday collage! Thanks Vicci for the stroll down memory lane!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday Scribblings " Secret Identity"!

Sunday scribblings prompt this week is"secret Identity" here is my contribution! My guy definitely needs to keep his identity secret, for all our sakes! I apologize in advance for my wacked out brain! Imagine, I actually raised a normal kid!! Well maybe not so normal....but she'd good!!!!!
The Bute
He lives in a cavern, deep dark and dank
Dressed all in green, he bears a low rank
At times he's annoying, stubborn to clutch
he shields us from foreigners, aliens and such
Some seasons he’s toxic, contagious and cruel
So children I ask you to follow the rule
Try not to touch him; he hates to be seen
And if he is, he’ll turn your hands green
So use soap and water, sing the birthday song
Wash away his germs, to keep your friends strong
If you find one of these weirdoes in a green suit,
Don’t yell to the world that you’ve found a "Bute"
Just grab a tissue, and capture the beast
Make sure to blow hard, until he’s released!
Moms hate him, dads hate him, and teachers do too
Now if you see a Bute Boogie, you’ll know what to do!
Click to Enlarge

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Illustration Friday "Fortune"

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Illustration Friday "Fortune"
I obviously love a play on words! What pet owner hasn’t experienced something similar to this? Especially with dogs under two! A slight MISFORTUNE!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Thick Girls Are Dope?

Thick Girls Are Dope!

Tell me what you think of this T-shirt! What does it mean to you? Ask your kids what it means to them! Let me know!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Poetry Thursday "Naive" and Paisley

This was an easter gift I whipped up for Laura. I have such an affinity to this kind of pattern I almost named a child Paisley. Thankfully her dad wouldn’t let me! Pepper is better!

Use a line contributed by a fellow poet was the suggested Poetry Thursday prompt! I picked “the hard work of making people happy” donated by January! … It was my inspiration; however I did change it somewhat.


We were young with a dream
“Together forever” we said
I was his buttercup
He was my rock
Powerful in silence
He clapped
To the off beat of the music
A precursor
Of the years to come
We worked hard
Lived well
Secured a good life
The nuances of nasty
Ugly shone through
A fine nose
Became bulbous
Passion became temper
Obstinacy became sovereign
It was hard work
Making him happy!
Finding cards with affection

My nemesis
A rose no longer had meaning
Inside a young girl died
The one with a dream
A future of “forever”
Then an awakening
The lady arose armed
To fight the patriarchy
Articulately with verve
Amazing herself
She stood alone
Against many
She won
Her life
Her child
Her dignity!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Digital Jaunt!

click to enlarge

Here is one of the digital pictures I created a few months back!
My daughter thinks it looks like her cousins! I wonder how that happened. That wasn't my intention. I guess thats how art manifests!
Read on for simple instructions on how to use the Windows Paint Program to create your own!

I’ve had a few request emails of how to use the windows paint program for digital art. I started out doodling on it only to surprise myself with a few fun illustrations. Now I’m hooked. Rather than writing out individual emails, I thought those of you who don’t already use it may like to give it a try! Funny thing is I’ve had this program for years but only knew how to use the paint bucket and pencil and easer! When I did a google search there wasn't much information! So here it goes....read on! Then have fun!

Free-Form Select
is the little star in the left hand corner. This affords you the privilege of drawing around the parts of your picture you want to select and either cut and paste or copy and paste!

Select is the square at the top on the right hand side it allows you to either cut and paste square pieces of your picture or copy and paste them!

Eraser is the little yellow rectangular icon, it allows you to move around erasing mistakes. Sometime I fill the page with color then erase a picture to my liking!

Color eye dropper is used to identify a color used. If you click on the eye dropper then move it over to the color on your picture it will identify the color you've used so you can repeat it in other areas. This works especially well if you want to identify a skin color, or if you have used the color palette to define colors.

Fill with Color is the little paint bucket dripping paint used to fill an area with color. Draw an image or a circle then fill it with any color. Make sure the image or the circle is completely closed. If there is even one pixel open it will fill the whole page with color rather than just your image!

Pick Color at the bottom left hand corner is the color palette. To alter your pallette go to the top right hand corner, click on the colors, then edit colors, then click define colors, there you can define colors to your liking by running your mouse across the colors and clicking to check the shades you prefer!

Magnifier is to place over a small area so you can define it better. For example, you click the magnifier over an eye, then you can define it easier. Just click the magnifier again to make your picture appear normal size.

Pencil can be used for drawing in any color….just change the palette at the bottom.

Brush looks like a paint brush! I also draw with the brush! When you click on the brush you will see many options of thickness, some square and some round brush sizes. Try them all to familiarize yourself with them.

Airbrush Looks like a spray paint can! Air brush is fun to do eyes make up, or make it look tie dye.

Text Can be typed on your picture….Once you click on it, play around to get the font you want. When you click on the “A” two yellow boxes will show up at the bottom. The top one is more restrictive, it with make a white box on your picture. You can type in it, but it distorts the art. Where as the second box is more forgiving and is translucent on your picture and will blend

Line click on the line you can choose various thicknesses

Curve this is the same as the line only it will curve, experiment with it.

Rectangle click on the rectangle the top one is can hollow and the bottom one is solid. You can also make the lines thicker by setting the lines first.

Polygon is just a different shape that does the same as the rectangle
Circle does the same as the rectangle

Rounded Rectangle is the same as the rectangle too!

One more tid bit, you can only go back 3 edits. In the top left there is an edit button, open that and you can click on the undo if you make a mistake! It only takes you back three steps though!

Be sure to always save your work. I save mine in pictures. You can also save as a jpeg which will change the quality of your work. My next move is to learn how to use photo shop. Once you learn these icons….any paint program can be used. Thankfully Bryan showed me how. Hopefully it will bring you a few creative moments of fun too!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Thinking Blogger Award

This mug was designed for Laura's daughter Katey with her favorite color orange. I also placed her name on it to deter her from
stealing her mothers blue one.

Somewhere after the one year mark I hit a writer’s block, and diverted to art! Writing prompts couldn’t even nudge me out of the doldrums. Today, after a week of mediocre posts, I was shocked to be honored with the “Thinking Blogger Award” from one of my favorite bloggers Lisa Ocean Dreamer at heartofthenest! Not only does Lisa write a compassionate sage blog, she’s a loving and humble woman with incredible creative talents. Every visit to her blog is moving! Even her woes are written with dignity! So when she graced my waning blog with this respect it was a real privilege!

Blogging has been a very cathartic process of self discovery, driving me to define the essence of who I am. This is almost humorous, considering at fifty, introspection should be less prevalent!

I have met so many wonderful like minded cohorts! It’s been a joy delving into the intimate world of bloggers, only to find my eccentricities are very normal in this bubble. One thing I know for sure, I will always value the diverse knowledge my fellow bloggers share, as they continue to broaden my perspectives.

It’s a very complex task awarding five people the Thinking Blogger Award, as they’ve all been bright lights in my life at different intervals. The majority of the blogs I routinely visit have already been awarded; I often mindlessly read blogs for inspiration, information, intimate connection and entertainment!

In no particular order I will bequeath this award to the following bloggers that do take me down the path of inspiration and thought!

I pay homage to Lucy at lulu’s petals, a loving mother whose inviting blog usually makes me laugh out loud. On occasion Lucy addresses an intimate side that manages to garner an astonishing emotional response!

I know that Remiman (Rel) at under the microscope has already been awarded, but his prolific writing and wisdom can’t go unmentioned. His latest post “Online blogger friend” warrants the acclaim!

Vanessa a vivacious inspirational young artist at A Fanciful Twist never ceases to intrigue me with a non drug induced magical trip through the art world! Her wondrous imagination, humorous candor and stimulation constantly amuse me!

Amber at believingsoul has already been rightfully awarded the think blog award; she leaves me so pensive, I could usually write a full page response to her posts, instead I cowardly walk away unheard! The intelligence of this comedic writer has elevated her through an adverse childhood captivating her audience with wisdom well beyond her years!

Last but never least, already awarded is the poised Tara at Paris Parfait whose informative political voice I endorse and the compassionate Deb at Jane Poe whose heroic posts enthrall her reader. Both women are also breathtaking poets whose ethical social conscience I share!
Okay that was a bit of a cheat but I'm pretty sure they won't repeat the meme again!

Those of you chosen please click on the Thinking Blog icon for directions to complete this meme!

To all the rest of you who daily light up my life by reading my blog, sending emails, entertaining me with your interesting posts, thank you from the depths of my heart! I adore you one and all! Please affix this icon to your blog as a reminder that each of you has a unique and special gift to share with world!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Celebration

Laura's adorable Mother!
She told a cute joke capturing the giggles of the evening!

Our phenomenal hostess with the mostest, Laura!

Easter has changed over the years. Days of making a big turkey dinner are long gone, with the death of my parents. Before that we’d enjoy an Easter weekend of Marathon Bridge. Or celebrate at their summer trailer in the States.

When dad passed, Mom took off with friends to play golf, we had friends over to play cards, or we’d take a quick jaunt to the States to visit mom for the day. After mom died my brother and I would hook up for Easter dinner until he met his first wife. Then he was lured into the big traditional Ukrainian Easter feast that started in the morning continued all day. I didn’t even attempt to beckon Darcy to Easter dinner, afraid it would cause a rift between him and his wife. There grandiose celebrations enjoyed by her relatives could never compare to my intimate dinner for four. Eventually we made new traditions, brunch at a hotel and a quaint barbeque, alone or with friends.

As Pepper grew, I went on baking and decorating rampages. Bought her new outfits and outdoor toys for spring! With not much family around, we’d include friends with children into our celebrations. Later that waned, then we either ordered in, or enjoyed a restaurant meal, often including my single friends.

When I was on my own, we still enjoyed the traditional, decorating, hiding eggs and new outfits. Instead of having friends over, we’d rent movies or go to the theatre! Having a regular meal of our negotiated choice. On occasion we were invited out. Mostly it was just like any other day.

When my brother remarried his generous new relatives always included us in the family celebration. Eventually that changed too.

The last three years my dear friend Laura has included us in her very beautiful Easter dinner. Pepper cherishes that feeling of tradition, and family love! She worships Laura as an Aunt. There is a wonderful sense of security in knowing that Laura would always be available for Pepper, if need be!

This year, the meal was so spectacular, everyone shared a wonderful dish. Friday I baked a double recipe of sugar cookies shaped as rabbits, Saturday we iced them, Bryan piped all the cute rabbit faces, it took hours. Not a feat we will repeat anytime soon! I made a broccoli casserole after reading about fifteen recipes off the net, I took ideas from each recipe to concoct my own dish, which was a real hit.

Laura worked all day Easter Sunday, it was hectic! She spent quite a few days preparing before hand. Most of the crowd of seventeen had dispersed by eight thirty. Many having a long drive or early morning work shift. Even though I really enjoyed myself, the clean up can get pretty chaotic with silver and good china to be hand washed. My heart goes out to my friend who does this on many occasions! Certainly brings back all the memories of childhood, standing alone at the sink doing dishes for hours after mom prepared a huge Easter dinner for relatives!

The dessert table, full of goodies!Cookies, apple pie, and cheese cake!

Food fit for a King!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Balancing Act!

click to enlarge
Holidays are such a balancing act!
Happy Easter to all the good eggs out there!
May your day be full of love, laughter,
enjoying things that fill your soul!
Happy renewal to all!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Illustration Friday " Green"

click to enlarge

Today I thought I'd put a little "Boogie" in it!

It should have been a bunny!!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

illustration Friday "Snap"

click to enlarge image

Who hasn't had this happen before! I'm sure it wasn't from a red and purple Fido though!!!

I think I have Dog on the brain....There is a window of about eight weeks if I want to get a puppy! Then I will have to wait until next year. It takes approximately four months to train them, I find they don't readily like to go out in the cold weather, cause for too many indoor accidents! Of course I keep talking myself out of it. So much added work I just don't need. Summer's coming and I want to do my own thing! Decisions decisions ho hum ! I really am a homebody….we shall see….. I feel myself weakening!

Today I heard that Phyllis Diller started painting at age 69 in 1986, the same year my daughter was born. Apparently she is selling it too, yet I have been unable to find anything online! Imagine this famous, comedienne, pianist, now artist is 90 years old! What a full life she's enjoyed!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Nicci and the Snow Ghost!

Saturday evening Nicci had a gathering to view her HGTV segment of the show “That’s Clever”! Nicci seduced the audience with her winning personality! It was an informative fun segment, she was excellent. Even though they wouldn’t let her wear her signature colored streaks her unique style shone through! I could see her husband was very proud of his artistic wife. Nicci is gifted at marketing herself while maintaining a high ethic! Her art is just glorious ….and I really admire how humble she is! I love looking at her timeless goddesses, which I’m sure will be enjoyed for years to come! It's unclear the official air date of her segment, but stay posted to Niccis blog BRUSHEDWITHMAGIC for more updated information!

On Friday morning my friend Laura mentioned she’d been hungrier lately….since I don’t have much of a eater meter….you know, gage of hunger….Sometimes I go hours and hours without food or drink…..when I'm in the final throws of a headache I realize......hmmm.... I haven’t eaten! Most calories being consumed at the end of my day rather than the beginning! …An honest confession of a fat person’s regime!

Or I’ll have coffee, feel filled up, forget to eat…later grab some horrible quick carbs!. Lately I have been trying to be more consciences starting with bran and fruit rather than toast! You know, a better routine of healthy stuff….still my meter isn’t working like hers. I told her about Peppers ravenous consumption just before it snows, being mindful that it was an absurd thought for the first of April! Not fathoming that would contribute to my friends hankering for more fodder! Guess what, this morning it snowed huge flakes, leaving a blanket of snow in the yard….by five it was gone, the roads were dry, it was warm and I spied some magnolias in full bloom!! Go figure….must be global warming…it really was the oddest thing I have ever seen!

Today the snow ghost appeared
Blanketed my world
Leaving a chill in the air
Startling the tender blossoms
Seducing the winter back
To flower beds and lawns
Shocking the sneaker and
Sandal wearing spring fanciers
Scaring off the April showers
Replaced by flakes of fluff
Dancing alone over cars,
Trees and roadways
Awakened from the nightmare
Hovering clouds dispersed
fought by the reigning Spring Sun,
Warmth emerged
Drying the streets
In a poof,
Snow ghost
Free to bloom!

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